MapDotNet Server 2007 6.1.2 Released

I’ve had my head down working hard on some projects this week so I haven’t had an opportunity to really keep my eye out for important news, but Nate Irwin has caught my eye with news about MapDotNet Server 2007 6.1.2 being released by ISC. One new improvement that caught my eye:

Substantially improved rendering speeds with ArcSDE. This is especially the case in large multi-processor web garden deployments where the MDNS services are less likely to be processor-bound. Substantially improved SDE connection pooling resulted in upwards of 10 times the rendering performance in our tests. This was especially noticeable when ArcSDE is installed on a separate server from the MDNS web services.

Anything that makes talking to ArcSDE faster is good news in my book.

As I mentioned we’ve been working with MapDotNet Server 2007 and I plan to blog about the experience when I’ve got more time. It has been a nice learning experience for us (though under tremendous pressure due to a very tight timeline). We put ourselves in a bad position, but ISC really helped us out when we needed it. MapDotNet Server is very different from ArcGIS Server and ArcIMS so if you are used to the “ESRI way” of doing things you get frustrated. But once you understand how MapDotNet Server works and all the possibilities it opens up, it all starts to click and make complete sense. We’ll have to see how the prototype works for our client and then move forward with what they want to do. I’ll try and blog about the experience next week when my workload lightens up.