I didn’t see much about this out of the 2007 User Conference, but an updated Technical Article spells it out.
ArcGIS 9.2 Desktop and ArcGIS 9.2 Engine are currently undergoing certification on the Microsoft Windows Vista operating system with the 9.2 SP4 release targeted for October/November, 2007. Please note that this certification will not include any of the ArcGIS 9.2 Server products.
That is news to me. Last I heard 9.3 was going to be the first version certified for Vista. A couple things come to mind here. First, those paying yearly maintenance will have Vista support in 2007 (rather than waiting for 9.3 in 2008) and the server stack will not be seeing Vista support at 9.2. Server support isn’t that big of a deal (at least as far as I can see), but on the desktop Vista support this fall is huge (my company is in the process of updating all our workstations and laptops to Vista soon so this is good news for us.
And of course it appears that the days of MapObjects on Windows is over.
MapObjects Windows 2.4 and MapObjects-Java 2.2 and 2.3 are not supported on the Windows Vista. ESRI is not certifying any new environments for MapObjects-Windows and there are no plans to support Vista with MapObjects-Java.
That is a shame really as MO is one of the best things to come out of ESRI ever (note to self, stop paying ESRI maintenance on MapObjects). Time to move to ArcGIS Engine.