New ESRI Blog – ESRI Mapping Center

Finally, a blog that is devoted to making maps (though post dates show this has been under the radar for a while). For those of you who continue to email me asking why there are only developers blogging, here is your new blog. The ESRI Mapping Center blog says that they’ll focus on; mapping techniques, ArcGIS functionality as applied to mapping tasks and current and relevant topics in mapping. If there is one thing ArcGIS does well that EVERYONE can agree on is producing great looking maps without the need of additional software. I’m lucky enough to work at a job where I get to program and make maps so I’m always looking for techniques to make better maps. Immediately this blog is going to the top of my list of blog that I’m paying attention to.

The posts all appear to be written by Charlie Frye who many may recognize from his cartography presentations at the ESRI User Conferences and has been with ESRI for many years (users of ArcView IMS can throw rocks at him as he was involved with that 🙂 ).

via the ESRI Support Center Blog which has been a great resource since its started.