It has been quite a year here on my blog. Looking back at the stats I’ve pulled out the top 10 posts by popularity (number of comments, visits, trackbacks) and have listed them below.
- The big picture of ArcGIS Server
Here I try and convince the world that with ESRI supporting OGC and other “open standards” that existing ESRI users can now push out their web services to a whole new clientele. Not sure how many people actually agreed with me on that one. 😉 - Do you still use ArcView 3.x?
Of course you still use it and I’m sure it is keeping Jack Dangermond up at night wondering why we aren’t all paying maintenance anymore on it. Seriously ArcView 3.x for many GIS pros was the first GIS system they ever worked with. The kids today are probably wondering what the heck we were all thinking. - ArcGIS Explorer vs. Google Earth
Everyone is ready to try out ESRI’s “Google Earth Killer”, but then realize that ESRI has a different mission in mind for it. - Selling open source GIS to the users
It started out on topic, but pretty much went into a Manifold vs. ESRI discussion. - Software that changed your life
I decided to list some of the software that has deeply affected my personal and professional growth. Allan Doyle is one sick puppy for listing Assembly as his first choice. 😉 - Microsoft Releases Virtual Earth 3D (Beta)
Microsoft’s Virtual Earth 3D exploded on the scene and in the end I got Slashdotted for it. - Are we beginning to see a shift away from ESRI Server backend to Open Source solutions?
The FOSS4G “server stack” begins to get some traction - Open Threads
The open threads seem to be a pretty popular feature these days. Anything goes and usually does. I picked this one mostly because I though the picture summed up the feeling in these threads. - Manifold a “train wreck”. Can it be true?
Yea, Manifold vs. ESRI is quite a big deal on my blog. This thread took off while I was on vacation. Glad to see you guys don’t need supervision! 😉 - ESRI ArcGIS Server licensing – Be ready to get out your checkbook
The bombshell that ESRI was going to charge you to use the ADF on another server took everyone by surprise and was by far the most popular post on this blog. More people viewed, clicked, commented than any other (in fact as of yesterday people are still posting in it). Eventually ESRI clarified what was happening and most of us have resigned ourselves to the new “business model” for ArcGIS Server.