What is it about Autodesk Impression that I just love?


I love looking at output from Autodesk Impression. Kinda makes me wish I had stuck with my degree in Landscape Architecture rather than Geography (ok maybe not, but still what is it with all these landscape architects and GIS). The new cartographic representation moves ArcGIS down this route a little so we’ll see what I can accomplish when I get a production ready copy of ArcGIS Desktop 9.2. They have some blogs on Impression which is nice and I’m glad to see Autodesk really take to blogging and wish others in the industry would follow. Shaan Hurley blogged about an OPML he offers with all the Autodesk blogs ready to go. I find it humorous that my RSS aggregator has a folder for Autodesk and not one for ESRI (disclaimer I do use a copy of Autodesk Autocad 2007).