You might remember that Steve Citron-Pousty and myself are putting on a little “contest” Thursday night before the Develop Summit. If you are going to be around we’d love to have you drop by and meet everyone. We are still trying to figure out where/how to have the contest because we are a little unsure of how many people plan to show up. Remember there will be some “sweet” prizes for those who can display the “best” GIS application that uses ESRI products in some way. We’ll make sure that there is an internet connection, and projector.
All you need to do is show your best code and then you just might get tons of love in front of all the GIS “influentials” at the summit. Just respond if you think you’ll be there for the meetup and if you want to demo something. Remember, it doesn’t matter how polished it is or how good your speaking skills are. Just show something really cool and you might get a prize.