10 Questions

I’ve been getting a ton of email (thanks) and rather than answer them all, I’ll just post here:

1. Do you work for ESRI?

2. Can I have a copy of ArcGIS Explorer?

3. Can you add my blog into Planet Geospatial?
Sure, if it is related to GIS, just email it to me.

4. You have a very cute son. Any more pictures?
Check out my Flickr page.

5. Why do you post so much about ESRI?
This blog’s major focus is on ESRI, thus the topic does come up from time to time.

6. Can you post more about GPS?
I’m pretty good with technology, but there are two devices I have tons of trouble with; telephones and GPS units. I’m like oil and they are like water. The less said, the better.

7. OK .NET fan boy (yes I get called a fan boy all the time) why don’t you blog with a .NET site?
I use whatever works the best for me and WordPress is it right now.

8. Can I PLEASE have a copy of ArcGIS Explorer?

9. Don’t you think that Google Earth is the most important development in GIS in the past 10 years?
Actually I’d say ArcView 3.x probably did more for GIS than Google Earth has ever done. Google Earth is an important mapping tool, but it really isn’t a true GIS system. Bringing ArcView to the desktop changed GIS more than Google Earth has (up to this point).

10. Are you going to the ESRI Developer Summit?
Yep, I’ll be there and so should you.

11. Can I send you an instant message?
Sure, MSN Messenger you can contact me at cageyjames@hotmail.com and on Google Talk you can use my Gmail account james.fee@gmail.com

OK that was 11, but close enough. 🙂