Podcasts and Web 2.0

I’m still not really sure what will become of Podcasts in the next year but I can tell you that they are much easier to listen to on an airplane than trying to fight with Newsgator and RSS feeds on my laptop. I ended up listening to the Very Spatial, NPR and Engadget podcasts. Not a bad use of my time as there aren’t any movies or even food served on most flights these days. Plus if I don’t get my laptop out I won’t be working in my Outlook either so that is an added bonus.

Of course you can’t really listen to a Podcast these days without someone mentioning Web 2.0. I’ve been able to put a filter on my RSS feeds to automatically toss any feed post that has the words “Web 2.0” in the text to the trash (which ironically means this one wouldn’t show up). I’m so sick of this term and how people are using it. It is just a marketing term to describe the latest internet bubble and try and make as much money off of it before it all crashes again. I just miss those old Web 1.0 days where everyone put the letter “e” or “i” in front of their product. Oh well, better check back with the office and make sure they are completing all our Web 2.0 applications.