Thursday Night Celebration at ESRI User Conference

The family and I had a blast tonight at the Thursday night party. I’ll post some pictures of my son dancing with a little girl to GRIDLOCK. It was nice meeting Steve’s family and his little boy is just a riot. I also bumped into many of people I hadn’t seen in years and a ton of new friends I’ve made over the course of this UC.

I’d also like to let J know that his work on the New Zealand Post ArcGIS Server project is just about the most impressive GIS programming work I have ever seen given the scope, time-line and requirement. Everyone at Eagle should be really proud of the work they did. A couple of us bloggers were at the presentation and we all were really happy to see such a large implementation of ArcGIS Server, not done by ESRI. Great work guys (and wouldn’t you know I still owe J lunch, catch you at the Developer Summit).