The one where mapping web services are free for the taking

The first hangout this year was all about using mapping web services. James Swansburg of Uber Weather came in to talk about how he’s using the Google Maps API, other Google APIs, Fusion Tables, and Azure to create his weather application, Uber Weather. Uber Weather is in the Google Places API Developer Challenge 2012 and is awaiting the final judging results. We talked about how James is using Google services such as mapping, weather, Flight Explorer and other services. We also talked about how WeoGeo made using OSM data easier for him to integrate (that’s how I met him).

As always, you can review the IRC log on the WeoGeo Video page.

We’re moving Hangouts with James Fee to bi-weekly this year so our next hangout will be January 16th with Ian White of Urban Mapping. That should be a great time.