This Week’s Hangout:: Talking Shop Part 2

Quick programming note! Luc can’t make today’s hangout, but we’ll still have tons of fun. I’ll also be talking about the future of Planet Geospatial.

This week is going to be a great hangout. Luc Anselin, Director of the GeoDa Center for Geospatial Analysis and Computation at Arizona State University, joins Madeline and James for a Hangout. We’ll talk about using Python to perform GIS Analysis, open source tools, open source in Education and why the Arizona State Sun Devil football team will destroy that stupid UofA team on Friday. Arizona State’s GeoDa Center is a great resource for GIS analytical tools such as OpenGeoDa, PySAL, R-Geo and others.

We’ll be talking on the IRC channel again so either show up to the Hangout page on WeoGeo or better yet, point your IRC client to #hwjf on