Sean Gillies on OGC WMTS

Sean is all over OGC’s Web Map Tiling Standard.

I have sent in a “public comment” advising the authors on how to better follow the REST style. To be honest, I’d rather the OGC stayed away from REST, but if it won’t, I’ll insist it’s done properly and doesn’t misinform mainstream GIS developers. I’ll even try to help as much as the OGC’s closed process will allow.

We talk about open standards quite a bit and when it comes to GIS software implementing them, OGC is usually what we see. It would be a shame to see WMTS fail as much as WFS has in the marketplace because it is ill conceived. Hopefully the OGC will take advantage of Sean’s comments to improve the spec. The OGC comment process has to be better than this:

No, now go away or I shall taunt you a second time.

No, now go away or I shall taunt you a second time.