I see that Don Kuehne has an interesting announcement on his blog. ESRI has announced ArcGIS for Autocad.
ArcGIS for AutoCAD is a no-cost ESRI application that works on top of AutoCAD 2007 and gives me the ability to add one or more ESRI map service view(s) to my AutoCAD drafting environment. With this new ESRI technology I have direct access to every GIS data format without conversion and without translation inside AutoCAD. I as an AutoCAD user see what the GIS professional sees; finished high quality cartographic representations of complex GIS data structures thay may be stored in a wide variety raster, network, image and vector formats.
I guess this is ArcCAD reborn huh (well ArcCAD on steroids)? I’ll be honest, I’ve never liked the ArcSDE CAD Client. I hope this will make it much easier to leverage ArcSDE with AutoCAD.
It will be free and available “later this year”.