ArcGIS Server Javascript API Example

ESRI has posted an example of the Javascript API on their blog:

Today, we just want to talk a bit about the new ArcGIS JavaScript and REST APIs. We built this new JavaScript API because many of you have asked for a simple way to share your GIS data and tools over the internet. Here is an example built on top of the ArcGIS JavaScript API.

Of course you’ll probably “view source” on the page to see what is up as I did. I see they used the Google Chart API for the charting as was noted on their blog page. A simple application for sure, but definitely a step in the right direction from what we are used to using on the ArcGIS Server platform.

HTTP Goodness

Taking orders for HTTP Goodness Thongs for the DevSummit

More: Digging deeper into the example we can see the url to the map layer: SuperTuesdaySample with all its metadata and supported operations. If you click on query you see an HTML form. Pretty slick. If you click on the breadcrumbs at the top you can see the service description as well as its supported interfaces (REST or SOAP) and supported operations (Export Map Image, identify, find and Generate KML. All well thought out and very well done. Alas the help and the API Reference links do not work at the top of the page, but I really like what I see here. We’ll have to wait until they show us more, but I am impressed.

Update 2: Sean appears to have been doing the same thing as me, but as always he sounds smarter when talking about it. Check his thoughts out.