Author: James

  • New Release of ArcGIS Explorer “Soon”?

    There is somewhat of an announcement on the ArcGIS Explorer Blog about the next release of ArcGIS Explorer.

    In the Showcase and at the sessions we were using both the currently available public download (Build 380) and also showing one of the more recent software builds (Build 392) to highlight some of the new features that you can look forward to in the next release. This upcoming release of Explorer will continue to evolve for a few more weeks and will be delivered sometime in July.

    Not much there, but I assume some better KML support (2.0/2.1?) and maybe some increase in speed. I’d love to roll out some AGX applications internally at my company, but I’m sticking with the .NET Web ADF for now.

    ** Mechagodzilla is better than old AGX Godzilla **

  • ArcGIS Server or ArcIMS 9.2 and inetpub on another drive

    OK, so most of us have their inetpub directories at “c:inetpub”, but not all. I’m one of those people. For reasons I cannot recall, my inetpub directory is on my “d:” drive. But that isn’t a problem is it? Well if you try and install either ArcGIS Server or ArcIMS 9.2 you’ll notice that ESRI assumes that everyone has their inetpub directory at “c:”. I figured this out after a couple minutes of a blank ArcGIS Server Manager page. I went into IIS Manager and noticed that Manager was pointing to “d:InetpubwwwrootArcGISManager” which of course didn’t exist. The post install was nice enough to create “c:InetpubwwwrootArcGISManager” but that isn’t where my inetpub directory is located.

    So I went back into the GIS Server Post Install just to double check and make sure that I didn’t miss something.

    And the Install Summary doesn’t reveal much.

    GIS Server Post Install Summary

    Input config file: C:Documents and SettingsFeeMy Documentsagspostinstall.xml

    Configure as server object manager.
    Configure as server object container.

    ArcGIS SOM account: ArcGISSOM
    ArcGIS SOC account: ArcGISSOC
    ArcGIS WebServices account: ArcGISWebServices

    Server directories:
    Output directory: c:arcgisserverarcgisoutput
    Cache directory: c:arcgisserverarcgiscache
    Jobs directory: c:arcgisserverarcgisjobs

    Virtual directories:
    Output virtual directory: http://localhost/arcgisoutput
    Cache virtual directory: http://localhost/arcgiscache
    Jobs virtual directory: http://localhost/arcgisjobs

    And heaven forbid if you try and install to a computer that doesn’t have a “c:” drive. Anyway, this probably needs to be address at some point. So if this happens to you, just copy the “c:InetpubwwwrootArcGIS” folder to your IIS drive.

    **Update: **JT points out a KB article that explains the why and how to fix the issue. Yea, its a huge PITA.

    **Update 2: **Word from ESRI is that this will be fixed at the next release.

  • Carbon Neutral GIS?

    OK, you have to just laugh at this blog. It seems like its been around for about a day, but I’m hoping we’ll see some more.

    Carbon Neutral GIS

  • ESRI Thrusday Night Parking Lot Celebration

    So what was the story on the Thursday night party being in a parking lot? I’m looking at some uploaded photos in Flickr and it looks bizzare compared to previous years. Did the “American Road Trip” theme result in putting the party in a parking lot or did the theme come about because it was in a parking lot.

  • ArcGIS for AutoCad support

    Anyone see a link to where ESRI provides support for ArcGIS for AutoCad? I can’t tell if this is actually supported by ESRI or not as it isn’t in the support site.

  • ESRI Bugs Online

    Since I wasn’t at the UC and those blogging seem to not care about bugs, we haven’t really heard what Nick Frunzi presented at the plenary in regards to user support. The ESRI UC blog has a little bit on what to expect though:

    Tentatively named “Bugs Online”, this new Support Center feature is planned to go live in late Summer 2007, and will be integrated into the existing Support Center search. Here’s a few more details (as usual, all is subject to change).

    It looks like the first release will be a public “beta” during which you’ll be able to access Bugs Online, albeit with somewhat reduced functionality and content. During the the beta, you should still be able to access most of the metadata for most of the bugs, including:

    • Synopsis: A concise description of the problem and the circumstances under which it occurs.
    • Submitted: The date the bug report was filed.
    • Severity: Indicates how heavily the problem impacts those who encounter it.
    • Version Found: The ESRI software version where the problem was first seen.
    • Status: A short text description of where the bug currently is in our handling processes.

    Later on this year we’ll be working on additional functionality, including an option to allow you to “subscribe” to specific bugs and receive an email when the status of the bug changes.

    Email is fine, but don’t forget RSS.

    Update: – Podcast of Nick’s talk is here.

  • ESRI 2007 User Conference Open Thread

    I’ve gotten a couple people emailing me complaining about the lack of info coming out of the 2007 UC. I’m not sure what I can do about it as I’m not there. Thus if you’ve seen something interesting at the UC and think the folks back in the home office should know about it, post it here.

  • Getting excited about ArcGIS

    Great IM conversation:

    gretch: afternoon james
    James Fee: how are you doing?
    gretch: great, im at the uc
    James Fee: having a good time?
    gretch: sure, people here are a little excited
    James Fee: yea, people enjoy hanging around with fellow geo-geeks
    gretch: esri guys excited too
    gretch: howard dean excited
    James Fee: lmao, really?
    gretch: i swear he looked like his head would explode
    gretch: was really into it
    James Fee: mind if I blog that?
    gretch: sure im having a great time though
    gretch: would have been great to meetup
    James Fee: The UC is a treat, no matter what Sean Gillies says

  • Want to see the ArcGIS REST API?

    Looks like Microsoft is going to demo the REST API and Virtual Earth. Someone needs to stop by and get the details.

    ESRI Announces new REST API for Interoperability at 2007 User Conference

    With the release of 9.3, ESRI will provide an ArcGIS JavaScript library that extends the Microsoft Virtual Earth Software Development Kit. You can use the extended SDK to mashup content from any ArcGIS 9.3 Server via the REST API for ArcGIS Server with Virtual Earth maps and imagery. In the Microsoft booth #2101 on the ESRI UC exhibition floor this week, the Virtual Earth team will be demonstrating this capability through 3 simple demos provided by the ESRI team.

  • ArcGIS 9.3 in 2008

    Not that it is news, but 9.3 will not be out in this calendar year. You’ll need to make 9.2 work for almost 1 more year. Should be good for developers, at least you know that your clients won’t be installing 9.3 anytime soon.