BatchGeo Improves Access to Geocoding and Creating Your Own Mashups

I’ve blogged quite a bit over the years about Phillip Holmstrand’s BatchGeo project. There are quite a bit of new improvements that Phillip’s announced that I think are worth noting.

  • New branding and look
  • Simplified workflow
  • Edit saved maps
  • Upgraded server back-end
  • Built-in locator function
  • Video tutorials

While you can still use to do your geocoding, the new interface will help those who want to create their own Google Maps mashups. Now you are probably thinking that Google already has their My Maps, but at least to me BatchGeo looks like it will be easier to use, plus its free. I have to take my hat off to Phillip, he keeps making BatchGeo better and better and I know tons of people who rely on it to do their batch geocoding.

I can totally see the Super Broker team using this!
