Category: Thoughts

  • The GIS Blog Sewing Circle

    You guys are worse than a sewing circle. I can’t go out and enjoy a movie with my son for a couple hours and you bloggers have me taking a “dirt nap”. Look I appreciate the emails, text messages, instant messages and such but this is ridiculous. I made a bad changed to my .htaccess file on my web-server and you all flip out. :

    The GIS blog sewing circle churns away

  • David Maguire isn’t leaving ESRI

    The word is out and David Maguire is leaving ESRI. I emailed David asking him about the rumor, but he email bounced back so I assumed he was gone. David emailed me letting me know that he is not leaving ESRI.

    I was surprised as anyone to be honest, but at least we got to the bottom of the story here.

  • Bad Blogging….

    The one person who I should have contacted about the previous post wasn’t consulted before blogging. A bounced back email isn’t a confirmation no matter how many people say he’s leaving. I should have waited for an “official” email from him before posting that he was leaving. I apologize to David and any problems I have caused him. He’s always been helpful to me and my blog so of all the people at ESRI I should have confirmed it with him directly.

  • ArcGIS 9.2 Service Pack 3 is out

    **Update – **The service pack 3 has been pulled. Updates will be up later on Friday.

    As promised by ESRI, the Service Packs are out.

    ArcGIS 9.2 Service Pack 3
    ArcIMS 9.2 Service Pack 3
    ArcSDE 9.2 Service Pack 3

  • Adobe ships ColdFusion 8, do ArcIMS developers care?

    I saw the news that Adobe announced the shipping of ColdFusion 8 today. I remember when ArcIMS 3 arrived, ColdFusion was the way that almost everyone developed ArcIMS sites. I recall at one of the sessions at the UC I was the only person who asked about the ActiveX controls and no one at the ESRI table could answer the question. As time went on though, Java and ActiveX (and later .NET) became the primary development options and now the ColdFusion folks are unable to get answers from the ESRI folks.

    Anyway, is anyone still developing their ArcIMS sites in ColdFusion? It looks like CF8 integrates with .NET so there might be some way to use the .NET WebADF (disclaimer, I have no idea what I’m talking about here). I know I’ve seen some really impressive stuff even today in ColdFusion, but I haven’t seen much talk about it lately. With such focus on the WebADF, I have to wonder if we’ve seen the last of ESRI supporting ColdFusion directly.

  • ESRI Developer Network now offers optional ArcInfo and ArcEditor licenses

    ArcView was available as an option for EDN, but now ArcInfo and ArcEditor are now available (at added cost) to the EDN subscriber. I’m not sure at all why they never offered ArcInfo and ArcEditor as how the heck could a developer load data into ArcSDE without either license (beyond the command line tools).

    What I’d like to see is a “EDN Universal” subscription where all ArcGIS Desktop licenses and extensions are included in addition to the server tools. That way any developer of desktop solutions can have access to the licenses. Of course this will cost more, but I think very helpful to the ESRI developer community.

    Remus Lupin wants to develop ArcGIS Desktop applications

  • ArcGIS Diagrammer 9.2 Beta

    Richie Carmichael released ArcGIS Diagrammer 9.2 (beta) and it is very impressive. I’ve used Geodatabase Diagrammer in the past with Visio to create such graphics, but this new ArcGIS Diagrammer will simplify the process. ArcGIS Diagrammer is a visual editor for ESRI’s Xml Workspace Document that is created out of ArcCatalog. You can graphically manipulate the geodatabase schema in a GUI application that is best described as a cross between Visual Studio 2005 and Visio. I tried to load up the whole schema for SDSFIE 2.5, but alas I didn’t have enough memory (or patience) on my laptop to let it complete. Simple geodatabases though are a breeze to edit and analyze. Anyone who manages data with the ESRI Geodatabase will want to check this tool out.

  • Introduction to ArcGIS Online Live Training Seminar

    Those still a little confused about the whole ArcGIS Online product (including me) might want to join the live training seminar about ArcGIS Online.

    Introduction to ArcGIS Online

    ArcGIS Online is a new family of Web mapping services from ESRI that provides map and globe layers, such as high resolution imagery, streets, topographic maps, and more that enable you to quickly jump-start your GIS activities. In this seminar, you’ll learn how to access these layers inside ArcMap and ArcGIS Explorer. The presenter explains how ArcGIS Server technology is used in ArcGIS Online as well as the relationship between ArcGIS Online and ArcWeb Services. Additionally, you’ll learn how you can access maps from ArcGIS Online when you’re not connected to the Web and how you can contribute your own content to ArcGIS Online.

    The seminar will run tomorrow (Thursday, July 19, 2007) at 9:00 AM PDT, 11:00 AM PDT and 3:00 PM PDT.

  • ArcGIS 9.2 Service Pack 3 due by end of July

    As most of you already have heard via either the new RSS feeds or the support email, ArcGIS 9.3 9.2 Service Pack 3 is ready to be released by the end of the month. Jack’s Q&A from before the UC said that it would be released in July and it appears that they have hit the target. Remember Service Pack 4 is due October/November and then 9.3 at the beginning of next year.

    Update: thanks to Steve for pointing out that 9.3 isn’t out yet and that I really meant 9.2. 🙂

  • SlashGeo is alive

    Apologies to Mark Twain, but reports of SlashGeo’s death have been greatly exaggerated.

    Thanks to the OSGeo mailing list, several people have already expressed their intentions to contribute regularly to feeding Slashgeo! 🙂 I’m not claiming victory yet, but if we gather a new team of 5 to 10 people, it will make involvement fun and not too time consuming for any single individual.

    I’ve read many people saying they wish they could help out SlashGeo and now is your time to step up.

    Update: It is a go