Category: Thoughts

  • Using MapDotNet Server 2007 with ArcSDE 9.2

    Nate Irwin’s been working at getting MapDotNet Server 2007 to talk with ArcSDE 9.2.

    I’ve been experimenting quite a bit recently with MapDotNet Server 2007 (from hereon, referred to as MDNS), and I’ll say that I’m pretty impressed. Building maps in MDNS is admittedly more difficult than simply publishing an .mxd with ArcGIS Server – MDNS uses MapServer’s map file format, but the power of gaining access to Virtual Earth base data far outweighs the trouble that it takes to build the application and the performance is killer when compared to the alternatives.

    Looks very interesting!

  • Graduation Day at Arizona State University

    Guess it didn’t go so well for someone.

    Throw your printer out of your 8th story dorm room
    Found on street next to dorm building…

  • World Wind Java SDK is available

    All you Java programmers, get your browser warmed up because the World Wind Java SDK is finally available. Remember NASA is only releasing the SDK, if you want a Java virtual globe, you have to build your own or try one of the demonstrations people have created.

  • Watch out Norfolk Island, here I come

    Fantom Planet reports that Google Earth is like a country upon itself:

    Michael Jones, the CTO of Google, noted that GE’s user base is approximately the tenth most populated country coming in with 200,000,000 users in the world in his keynote

    Well my 2,094 RSS readers make me the 230th largest country in the world. Norfolk Island at 2,114 persons will be mine soon.

  • Poly9 FreeEarth – Digital Globe Using Flash

    I wanted to let you know about FreeEarth, Poly9 has launched FreeEarth which is a cross platform digital globe which uses the Adobe Flash plugin. It even has a javascript API. World Wind Java was supposed to be released today, but it still hasn’t show up. Until then feel free to play around with this cross platform globe.

  • Open Thread

    Its been a very quite week here and I think I’ve finally recovered from moving into my new house. All the boxes are put away and I’ve actually got a working internet connection in the house. I had been using the City of Tempe Wi-Fi, but its been brutally slow while inside my house (probably due to the “block construction”). Anyway time for an open thread….

  • NASA can’t hit deadlines

    The Java SDK for World Wind was supposed to be released over an hour ago. And what do you know, typical government bureaucracy, they miss the deadline.

    The Java SDK will be available prior to Tom Gaskins’ technical session.

    May 10
    10:55 AM – 11:55 AM
    Hall E 135 (TS-3489)
    3-D Earth Visualization with
    NASA World Wind

  • Microsoft SQL Server 2008 to have spatial data natively

    via Virtual Earth/Live Maps Blog

    Today at the Microsoft Business Intelligence Conference, Ted Kummert, VP of the Storage Platform Division, introduced SQL Server 2008 (Katmai) in his keynote [Press Release]. Scheduled to ship in 2008, Katmai will be the first version of SQL Server to support spatial data and operations natively. Pretty cool! Finally, support for Spatial as a first class data type with indexing.

    • Spatial will be supported in the next release of SQL Server (code named Katmai) as system data types
    • Katmai is scheduled to ship in 2008 and will most likely be called SQL Server 2008
    • Katmai spatial will support two models: a ‘Flat Earth’ planar data type and a ‘Round Earth’ geodetic data type
    • The Flat Earth data type (GEOMETRY) will support the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Simple Features for SQL Specification with support for approximately 70 spatial methods/functions
    • There will be spatial indexes for both planar and geodetic data types

    The SQL Server spatial team will apparently be watching to see what users want. All I can say is Giddy-Up!

    Virtual Earth and SQL Server 2008 should be quite the team.

  • NASA posts and then removes link to Java SDK

    You have to wonder what is going on with NASA. They had updated their page to allow downloading of the SDK and then they pull back and post this:

    The Java SDK will be available by the end of today. (May 10)

    Um guys, the cat is already out of the bag now. Anyone feel free to download a copy of the SDK right here.

    NASA World Wind Java 0.2.0 release

    **Update – **Trust me, you probably don’t want to download it right now, I can’t get all the tiles to load and even then it is so slow. Probably why they pulled it.

  • ArcGIS Server Development Blog has moved

    It looks like ESRI has consolidated the ArcGIS Server Development Blog on to their “” site. There still isn’t a aggregator for all their blogs like or, but maybe in time.

    The new URL is: and also redirects there. You’ll probably want to update your RSS feeds as well as I’m not sure if they’ll continue to work.