Category: Thoughts

  • Beta testing ArcGIS Server 9.2 on Virtual PC 2004

    One of the more difficult things for us in our little office is to find a computer that we can beta test on. Because you can’t run two different versions of any ArcGIS product on one workstation/server, beta testing can be difficult. I decided to see how ArcGIS Server would run on Virtual PC and Windows 2000 Professional. The results are below, but since you can’t be shown the AGS 9.2 Beta, I’ve greyed it all out. 🙂

    ArcGIS Server Running on Virtual PC

    Of course I’d love to be able to use Citrix, but that just isn’t possible.

  • 143 days of record-setting dryness is over

    Its raining today, finally. After almost 5 months of no rain I’m so happy to be able to walk outside and get wet. My son seemed to have forgotten what rain was really like because he kept asking me why it was so wet outside and where it was coming from.

    The Backyard is wet

    Wet Patio

    Somewhere out there is the backyard

    Somewhere beyond that window is the backyard

    And of course snow in the desert

    Snow in the desert

  • Demos of ArcGIS Explorer in action

    ArcGIS ExplorerESRI has begun to post some demonstration videos of ArcGIS Explorer. If you’ve been trying to figure out how ArcGIS Explorer will allow you to perform GIS tasks, this first show shows you a model (created with Model Builder in ArcGIS) for a site analysis looking at things such as slope and networks (I didn’t hear any sound so I couldn’t really figure out what the model was showing).

    That said, you’ll see how GIS professionals will be able to leverage ArcGIS Explorer to allow them to push what was once complex analysis to just about any user.

    **Update – **I’m thinking that ESRI should probably convert these videos to Flash movies rather than keep them as WMP. Anything to keep them more platform and browser agnostic.

  • Arcade Linux?

    So I was searching for any docs on how to upgrade an ArcSDE 8.3 to ArcSDE 9.1 on Linux so I put in the search term “upgrade ArcSDE linux”.

    ESRI Search Result

    I’m guessing they might want to add some of those wonderful CamelCase product names ESRI is so famous for.

  • MapQuest OpenAPI Blog

    Looks like MapQuest is backing their API with a blog.

  • Developer Summit Contest and Meetup

    You might remember that Steve Citron-Pousty and myself are putting on a little “contest” Thursday night before the Develop Summit. If you are going to be around we’d love to have you drop by and meet everyone. We are still trying to figure out where/how to have the contest because we are a little unsure of how many people plan to show up. Remember there will be some “sweet” prizes for those who can display the “best” GIS application that uses ESRI products in some way. We’ll make sure that there is an internet connection, and projector.

    All you need to do is show your best code and then you just might get tons of love in front of all the GIS “influentials” at the summit. Just respond if you think you’ll be there for the meetup and if you want to demo something. Remember, it doesn’t matter how polished it is or how good your speaking skills are. Just show something really cool and you might get a prize.

    Example of a technology demo

  • MapQuest now has an API

    Anyone check out MapQuest’s API? I’m not sure when it was “released”, but its new to me.

    Probably big news since so many websites use MapQuest to show directions and office locations.

  • Developer Summit Tab on EDN

    2006 ESRI Developer's SummitBrian was right, the tab showed up this afternoon. It is a little logically organized than the “regular” ESRI website for the Dev Summit. Remember, the main focus of this site is to allow you to leave comments for the presenters for each session. Just find the session in the list and post your comment.

  • What’s Coming in ArcGIS Desktop 9.2

    ESRI ArcGISESRI has quietly posted the new features in ArcGIS Desktop 9.2 on the ESRI website. Its been pretty quiet around here because of the closed 9.2 beta, but it seems ESRI is beginning to ramp up the PR machine. See the whole list on their webpage but a couple of the more interesting ones to me are below:

    • Mouse wheel support
    • Ability to rename folder connections and customize appearance of the tree in ArcCatalog
    • Direct read of Microsoft Excel files
    • Support for OGC GML Simple Features data
    • New File Geodatabase for personal data collections with support for single-user editing without a DBMS
    • The new cartographic tools
    • Georeferencing toolbar that allows users to move, rotate, and scale CAD files using the mouse
    • Maplex as optional extension for ArcGIS Server, ArcGIS Engine, and ArcIMS (ArcMap Server) for better labeling on web mapping or embedded applications
    • Support for Google Earth KML and OGC GML 3.1.1 through the use of Safe Software’s FME 2006 engine
  • Dev Summit 2006 Java SIG moved to Saturday

    2006 ESRI Developer's SummitLooks like those who wanted to attend both SIG meetings (the Java or the .NET) you now can. I was just looking at the Dev Summit schedule and the Java SIG now appears as a Saturday event.

    _**Java SIG

    Saturday, March 18, 2006, 12:00 PM-12:45 PM

    Smoketree C (Palm Springs Convention Center)**_