Category: Thoughts

  • ArcGIS 9.1 Service Pack 1 Announced

    Link – Issues addressed with ArcGIS 9.1 Service Pack 1

    ESRI announced the ArcGIS 9.1 Service Pack 1 will be released December, 2005. You can read up on the maintenance fixes and performance improvements here. I wish this stuff would have an RSS feed, rather than waiting for the archaic “Online Support Center Notifications service”. Weekly emails just aren’t relevant enough these days.

    I got an email from a reader telling me Robert Scoble is subscribed to this blog now. You wouldn’t want him to notice the complete lack of RSS from ESRI (beyond the news feed) now would you? 😉

  • Andrew Hallam on “Imagery in ArcGIS Explorer”

    Link – Imagery in ArcGIS Explorer

    I’ve seen nothing to suggest that ArcGIS Explorer is going to make anything but a tiny ripple in the Google Earth ocean. Google are too good at providing free tools that lots of people want to use.

    Tough words, but I’m think ESRI might want to get used to them as many will be seriously disappointed with the included imagery in ArcGIS Explorer. A simple look at the screen shots that ESRI has posted (specifically this one) shows pretty much wat to expect. There is the Katrina example but beyond that there isn’t much to suggest high quality imagery will be offered. My gut feeling is that they will use the Public ArcWeb Services to handle the imagery.

    ArcGIS Explorer is much more than a satellite imagery viewer like Google Earth is and that is what ESRI is focusing on. I doubt even if they gave away the World Premium Imagery GlobeXplorer that Google Earth would be in deep trouble. When I say ArcGIS Explorer is the product that Google Earth should have been, I’m saying this as a GIS Professional, not Jack GoogleUser who wants to see where the first McDonald’s was located. The power of ArcGIS Explorer will be in the server side applications GIS Professionals develop, allowing ordinary users to have the power of a professional GIS system.

    Google Earth has the market for sightseeing wrapped up, no sense fighting them on that.

  • ArcWeb Explorer Due After the New Year

    Looks like “coming soon” finally has a date and that date is January 2006. I’m disappointed to see that date because ArcWeb Explorer is just so impressive I really want to get my hands on it. Oh well, probably all for the best as I think my wife would rather have me enjoying my holiday vacation, than sitting in from of my laptop playing with ArcWeb. 😉

    ArcWeb Explorer Due Date

  • ArcGIS Explorer on Digg

    Link – ESRI Geographical Explorer Screenshots Released

    Just spottted on Digg…

  • The MapServer Name Poll

    Link – Results for questionnaire MapServer naming and the foundation

    There is a poll on the MapServer community page on what the name of the MapServer Foundation and the name of MapServer should be. There seems to be consensus so far to kept he name of the foundation MapServer and keep the name of the product MapServer. As I’ve said before, putting an animal name after an open source product sounds like an O’Reilly endorsement.

    I am glad to see the community taking part in this decision. This bodes well for the future of the MapServer Foundation.

  • ESRI posts more ArcGIS Explorer screen shots

    Link – Explore the World in 3D

    The more we see of ArcGIS Explorer the more we can see its power beyond just a 3D visualization tool. To be able to take ArcGIS Server, ArcIMS, WMS, ArcWeb Services and other types of GIS datasets and display them all in one program really speaks volumes of what ESRI is trying to accomplish here. ArcGIS Explorer seems to be the product that Google Earth should have been.

  • Autodesk MapServer isn’t MapServer

    Just to clarify some things for some people who are still confused.

    Autodesk MapServer Enterprise is a rewrite of MapGuide, the only thing in common with (UMN) MapServer is the MapServer Foundation (well and the use of the MapServer name).

  • AutoDesk listens to MapServer Community and plans to rename MapServer Enterprise

    via MapServer Discussion E-mail List


    We’ll have to think about how to do this, but the bottom line is that we’ve heard you: the name doesn’t work. It took weeks to set it up, and it will take weeks to change it. Please give us time to sort this out.



    Looks like the community works and Autodesk is listening.

  • ArcGIS Explorer Brochure Posted

    Link – ArcGIS Explorer Brochure

    ESRI has also posted a PDF brochure of ArcGIS Explorer. Not much really new here, but might help some better understand what the program is all about.

    ArcGIS Explorer

  • Add Mousewheel Support to ArcGIS

    Link – uiMSWheel for ArcGIS 9 (MouseWheel Support)

    This small module will add Mouse-Wheel Zoom/Pan capabilities to ArcGIS 9. I also added small procedure to use any key as a hot key (in ArcGIS you have to use a combination of Alt, Ctrl or Shift with other keys). For the moment, only “ESC” key is implemented. Later I will make a separate config file to configure any key for any build-in/module command.

    Mousewheel support in ArcGIS 9.2 is one of the most eagerly awaited features I witnessed at the 2005 UC. Most people were very excited to see they could finally take advantage of their mouse. Well users of ArGIS 9 can add support for the mousewheel with this ArcScript. I tried it and the only part I don’t like is the pointer moves to the center of the image (probably to make sure that the zoom is done in the middle of the view/layout). Kind of weird when you first use it, but I’ve gotten used to it. Saves time panning and zooming, I’ll tell you that.