Category: Thoughts

  • Make ArcGIS JavaScript Sample Viewer support more than WGS84

    Users not wanting to use WGS84? Inconceivable!


    So you’ve downloaded the JavaScript Sample Viewer from ESRI and want to use it with your own services? Well make sure those basemap services are WGS84 because they won’t show up otherwise. You aren’t losing your mind when you see nothing in the viewer, just republish them as WGS84.

    It would probably be a good idea for ESRI to update their docs to reflect this.

    Update: Jithen, unlike me, wasn’t happy about having to use WGS84 and he has figured out a way to get it to work.

  • ESRI’s ArcGIS Server Sample JavaScript Viewer

    ESRI has released a sample JavaScript viewer example with a developer’s guide to help you better understand how the JavaScript API works. It looks great (much like the Flex API) and does a darn good job having cross platform compatibility. As I said the Developer’s Guide is a great resource for those looking for an introduction to the JavaScript API, Dojo, Aptana Sudio, and what it takes to develop ArcGIS Server JavaScript applications.

  • Navigating Washington

    Just the other day we were wondering over the RSP Architects coffee machine about if GeoCommons would ever have an API. Rather than actually ask Sean if there was one in the works, it is of course easier to forget about the conversion and wait for Sean to blog about it himself. What I assume is one of the first GeoCommons API (this example is running on Amazon’s EC2) applications out there, Navigating Washington which allows real time poll mapping in your browser or even a Blackberry or iPhone (no Windows Mobile device because no one uses those anymore). I find the application very interesting and integration with mobile devices is a smart idea. I’m anxious to see what Sean has planned with the API and how we can use it.

    What can’t maps do for you these days?

    What cant maps do for you these days?

    Navigating Washington

  • MapQuest OpenAPI Alert!

    Better get those MapQuest web mapping applications converted over soon!

    The MapQuest OpenAPI product servers will go offline on?Saturday, January 31st, 2009. Applications not migrated off of the MapQuest OpenAPI product will?stop working?after this date.

    Please don’t be that guy (or gal) who procrastinates and then winds up with the broken app in production.

  • Safe Releases FME 2009

    Today Safe Software released FME 2009. I’ve was unable to take the 2009 beta for a spin (being busy is a good thing these days), but there are three new formats supported that really have me excited; CityGML 1.0, Adobe Geospatial PDF and OpenStreetMap XML (come to think of it Autodesk 3ds support might come in handy at the old architecture studio). Plus the 20% performance increase over FME 2008 will be a welcome change of pace from software that gets slower as it “improves”. The improved user interface of Workbench should increase usability for those who are used to other geoprocessing software packages. Safe has a “What’s Great” brochure available that outlines the improvements in more detail.

  • Economic Recovery with GIS

    This PDF has been traveling the email circuit for a couple weeks, but it seems to have been posted online (or at least I’ve finally found a link to it).

    A Proposal for National Economic Recovery

    An Investment in Geospatial Information Infrastructure

    Building a National GIS

    Jack Dangermond, ESRI
    Anne Hale Miglarese, Booz Allen Hamilton

    Salvation will be delivered with SOA!

  • PHPGeoTiles for Google App Engine

    You too can get your own tile cache running.

    You too can get your own tile cache running.

    Looks like an interesting project. If TileCache has been trouble for you to get working right, PHPGeoTiles?might be something to keep an eye on. Already there is support for the ArcGIS REST API to Google App Engine.

    Image used under Creative Commons from jereandreagan.
  • Arc2Earth 2.1 Update

    Brian Flood comes up from the basement to give a glimpse of what has been happening in Arc2Earth land. Arc2Earth Cloud Services is looking really amazing and it is clear Brian has put much effort into it.

  • MapFish and Google Earth API

    I’ve not seen much Google Earth API plugin use that makes me think it is anything more than a way to put 3D pushpins on a webpage, but the latest MapFish demo looks interesting.

    There’s a full real-time interaction between MapFish and GE. Translation and rotation of special MapFish tool moves GE camera. Panning and camera tilting on GE side moves MapFish tool.

    Just working a little with the JavaScript API and you can do some really neat things. Nothing unique about MapFish in this example, but if you haven’t been following MapFish lately, you need to put it on your radar.

    MapFish on the left, Google Earth API on the right.

    MapFish on the left, Google Earth API on the right.

  • The Esri Enterprise License Agreement Enterprise License Agreement Is It Working

    author: cageyjames
    comments: true
    date: 2009-01-06 07:00:00+00:00
    layout: post
    slug: the-esri-enterprise-license-agreement-enterprise-license-agreement-is-it-working
    title: The ESRI Enterprise License Agreement Enterprise License Agreement – Is it

    The ESRI salesman hits the road to sell the ELA

    The ESRI salesman hits the road to sell the ELA

    Google is littered with press releases announcing customers signing up for ESRI Enterprise License Agreements. Most of these seem to be larger government organizations and corporations. But what about the Small Municipal and County Government Enterprise License Agreement Program we heard so much about last year? I’ve heard from a couple people that they’ve had difficulty with the ELA because they don’t “fit” into the program. As a ESRI Business Partner I am hopeful that this program would allow ESRI customers to get out of antiquated ArcIMS and ArcView 3.x applications and into the more modern ArcGIS 9.3 stuff. It would appear at least on the surface that it hasn’t been successful but maybe Google isn’t telling the whole story.

    Anyone care to comment on the ELA program and its success/failures?