Designing Icons for Web Cartography

MapBox just keeps giving and giving! If you haven’t started using Maki yet, you’ll want to get on that bandwagon ASAP. Even the nounproject is getting on board.

Maps are capable of powerfully communicating ideas, clearly visualizing complex data, and adding context to a stories, whether you’re mapping humanitarian crisis in Africa or providing directions to the nearest café. As a designer with MapBox, I’ve been working on and off over the last few months on Maki, an open source icon set made especially for cartography and based on the points-of-interest used in OpenStreetMap. In cartography, points-of-interest include things like restaurants, bus stations, and schools. Maki will eventually grow to include icons for pretty much anything you might want to mark on a map.

This is a clear example of why an open collaborative design process will always win over closed minded dictatorships.
