DWG in WeoGeo

One new feature of WeoGeo I’ve been pushing hard for is CAD support in WeoGeo Library and WeoGeo Market. The last release of WeoGeo added this support and I can now say that EVERY vector dataset in WeoGeo is now available as DWG format as well as those traditional GIS formats. Sharing data between GIS and CAD is now much easier thanks to our backend running on Safe Software’s FME Server which as we all know gives us the best tools to convert between GIS/CAD and just about any other format.

WeoGeo Market

Every vector layer in WeoGeo Market is now available as DWG

I love this because now tons of great “GIS” datasets are available to CAD users. Need historic Tornado Tracks inside of your design projects? Now you can select them and bring them right inside of your CAD application as native DWG.

Natural Disasters: Historic Tornado Tracks 1950-2010

If you or your staff use CAD at some point in your workflows, try downloading any of our datasets (most of it at no cost) as DWG and bring it in. Brilliant!