ESRI Bugs Online

Since I wasn’t at the UC and those blogging seem to not care about bugs, we haven’t really heard what Nick Frunzi presented at the plenary in regards to user support. The ESRI UC blog has a little bit on what to expect though:

Tentatively named “Bugs Online”, this new Support Center feature is planned to go live in late Summer 2007, and will be integrated into the existing Support Center search. Here’s a few more details (as usual, all is subject to change).

It looks like the first release will be a public “beta” during which you’ll be able to access Bugs Online, albeit with somewhat reduced functionality and content. During the the beta, you should still be able to access most of the metadata for most of the bugs, including:

  • Synopsis: A concise description of the problem and the circumstances under which it occurs.
  • Submitted: The date the bug report was filed.
  • Severity: Indicates how heavily the problem impacts those who encounter it.
  • Version Found: The ESRI software version where the problem was first seen.
  • Status: A short text description of where the bug currently is in our handling processes.

Later on this year we’ll be working on additional functionality, including an option to allow you to “subscribe” to specific bugs and receive an email when the status of the bug changes.

Email is fine, but don’t forget RSS.

Update: – Podcast of Nick’s talk is here.