Don’t forget to register for the Developer Summit. The early bird rate has come and gone, but you can still go and register. Also remember that you don’t need to be an ESRI customer to go so if you want to see how the ESRI developer world operates, this is your best opportunity (plus who doesn’t want to be in Palm Springs in late March?).
The ESRI ArcGIS Server Code Challenge continues to get submissions so keep checking out the blog. Given the current number of entries I’d submit something but we aren’t running 9.2 Server yet so that will have to wait for another time.
ESRI has posted the dates and times for the developer teams for ArcGIS. If you want to talk directly with these team members, make sure you note the date and time and get their early. Remember it was very crowded last year and I’m sure ESRI has done much to improve things, but you really want to be early for this kind of stuff.
If you didn’t go last year and want to get a flavor of what happens at the Dev Summit, check out some of the posts from last year.