ESRI Posts ArcObjects Survey

I’m sure many of you got an email this morning detailing a new survey for ArcObjects that ESRI has posted:

The ESRI development team seeks your feedback on ArcGIS 9.2 so that we can incorporate your needs into future releases. We are specifically interested in how you use ArcObjects.

We’d like to know how you work with the ArcGIS 9.2 platform, what language you use, and what types of enhancements you would like to see in the future to make your work easier. Our areas of interest include

  • Libraries you use
  • Libraries you extend
  • Engine commands and tools
  • Engine controls
  • .NET and Java technologies
  • More specific tools that could make you more productive

Thank you in advance for your help.

Please complete the survey by April 25, 2007.

As always, these surveys are a great opportunity to get feedback to ESRI so if you use ArcObjects, you’ll probably want to complete it. The question about a “simplified API” in ArcObjects is something I know people have been asking about for quite some time.