Sean McGinnis posted in my comments that ESRI has released a whitepaper to help with migration of ArcGIS Server products to 9.2. Some points of note are (some of this is rehash if you’ve been following, but just to recap I’ll post the big stuff):
ArcGIS Server now comes in 6 versions depending on functionality:
With the release of 9.2, ArcGIS Server is offered in six new product options distinguished by functionality (Advanced, Standard, and Basic) and by scalability (Enterprise and Workgroup). A description of ArcGIS Server product options is provided as an appendix to this document.
ArcSDE is no longer a stand alone product but part of ArcGIS Server, but basically the licensing hasn’t changed, but your maintenance now is for ArcGIS Server Enterprise Basic:
With the 9.2 release, ArcSDE is included with ArcGIS Server and is no longer sold separately.
ArcIMS continues to be sold, but now ESRI provides the a license of ArcGIS Server Standard Workgroup with it:
ArcIMS will continue to be available as a separate product, and we are providing ArcIMS customers with an equivalent version of ArcGIS Server with their 9.2 maintenance updates.
Now what about that whole ADF issue?
The 9.2 license includes the right for one developer to use the Web ADF/SDK per licensed socket pair.
If you had deployed ArcIMS 9.1 Application Server Connectors or ArcGIS Server 9.1 Web ADF/Runtime on a separate machine you are grandfathered in.
You can only use the additional ArcGIS Server license on the current server hardware as configured for the Application Server Connectors or Web ADF/Runtime deployment at the time ArcGIS Server software is shipped
Deploying additional Web ADF/Runtimes requires an additional license fee.
So if you haven’t deployed on a different server than ArcIMS or ArcGIS Server is running on at the time 9.2 shipped, you’ll have to shell out money for the Web ADF even if you don’t plan to run it on the same server.
Now what about serving up 3D Globes?
The ArcGIS Server 3D extension is included with ArcGIS Server Standard or Advanced to generate globe data cache(s) or publish a globe document as an ArcGIS globe service.
With Standard, you’ll be able to serve up globes, but not perform any analysis on them without buying the 3D extension.
And online editing of GIS datasets?
The editing functionality included with ArcGIS Server is permitted for use only with ArcGIS Server Advanced.
The PDF goes into much greater detail so I encourage everyone to read it so they understand what changes are happening at 9.2 and plan for them.