ESRI’s Support Answer Tree

Jithen notes that ESRI now has new online support tool.

The ESRI Support AnswerTree (BETA) is a now available to help you resolve many common problems encountered when attempting to license or register ArcGIS Desktop products and extensions. Note that this requires Adobe Flash 9.

I have to disagree greatly with him though:

I like the fact that it’s build in flash! Something different from most of the other ESRI sites.

Flash has no business being involved with support sites. It is hard enough to link to ESRI support documents. Granted fighting through the flash interface you can get to a document link, but I have to ask why they bothered with flash in the first place. They should have stuck to simple ajax interface and not require users to install Flash 9 to use it. Why companies put roadblocks in front of their users trying to get support just baffles me to no end.

Help has no place when Flash is in control

Being held at the mercy of Flash