I just got off the phone with Nick Frunzi who is the Manager of ESRI’s Educational Services Division which comprises Tech Support, Developer Support, ESRI Press, ESRI Virtual Campus, and our Instructor-led training offerings. He let me know that they have been following all the comments and have been taking them to heart. He was very sincere that ESRI is trying everything to improve service and that even they aren’t happy with their current level of service. I think the biggest problem with this incident is that it is very hard to ESRI to respond to all the comments on a blog especially if they don’t know how to get in contact with you. You can always use the ESRI support feedback form to let ESRI know what is or isn’t working, but any contact you have at ESRI can forward you onto someone that can help. Heck there are a couple of ESRI blogs out there that can also be a great resource if you feel more up to commenting on blogs than sending emails.
I told Nick that one of the biggest disappointments that I noticed in the comments was the lack of suggestions on how to improve. ESRI does hear from many users they are unhappy with the level of service, but users also need to let them know more of “the why” they are unhappy, or “the how” to fix the problems. I’ve always said on my blog that ESRI does listen to their users and I think that this is a perfect example of them doing it, so if you’ve got an issue with ESRI technical support or EDN issues, now would be the perfect time to let them know or tell your manager any problems you are having so they can initiate the conversation with ESRI.