Good news from the gdal-announce email list:
The GDAL/OGR Project is pleased to announce the release of GDAL/OGR 1.7.0.
Yep, you can stop there and get your GDAL/OGR on. Or maybe you want to know what is new, copied directly from Frank’s email:
- New Raster Drivers: BAG, EPSILON, Northwood/VerticalMapper, R, Rasterlite, SAGA GIS Binary, SRP (USRP/ASRP), EarthWatch .TIL, WKT Raster
- GDAL PCIDSK driver using the new PCIDSK SDK by default
- New Vector drivers : DXF, GeoRSS, GTM, PCIDSK and VFK
- New utilities: gdaldem, gdalbuildvrt now compiled by default
- Add support for Python 3.X. Compatibility with Python 2.X preserved
- Remove old-generation Python bindings.
- Significantly improved raster drivers: GeoRaster, GeoTIFF, HFA, JPEG2000 JasPer, JPEG2000 Kakadu, NITF
- Significantly improved vector drivers: CSV, KML, SQLite/SpataiLite, VRT
I did a little highlighting up there to list what I think is noteworthy at least for me. You can either build it yourself or keep an eye out for an update of FWTools.