I know, I’ve been claiming that I’ve been working on a better Planet Geospatial than the one that currently exists for quite some time now. Well the good news is that its done and the DNS should be updating as we speak. The older Planet software was dated and couldn’t handle Atom feeds well (which is why half the feeds were a mess). Well I’ve switched to Sam Ruby’s new Planet branch, Planet Venus. I’ve been trying with little success to get running on my existing host (for probably 6 months now) and finally broke down and switched hosts (check out the new improved Planet Geospatial here for sneak peak). Give it some time for the DNS to get updated, probably about 48 hours for everyone to be running the new site. All the old urls should work after this transition and you’ll all be much happier with the result.
Thanks to Sean for helping out with me finding a new host and pestering me about the Atom support.
Expect some issues over the next day.
UPDATE 1 – there seems to be a configuration issue. I’m tracking it down so if you see a page that says “Not application mounted at the root of this domain”, just come back in a while and it will be resolved.
UPDATE 2 – everything appears to be working now. If you still get the old site, just keep checking back…
UPDATE 3 – Looks like Websense has reclassified PlanetGS as “Information Technology” so those who were getting blocked might be able to actually read Planet Geospatial now.