JSMag, the magazine for JavaScript developers

OK, so maybe you aren’t a Microsoft MVP for .NET or maybe you think Java is an island of Indonesia (we are all Geographers of course) . But darn it, you know how to work with the Google Maps API or you dream about jQuery. Does that mean you don’t get a “professional” magazine of your own? Well wonder no longer, say hello to JSMag. Their mission?

“JSMag aims to brings you quality JavaScript content to educate, movitate [sic] and inspire you in your work with JavaScript.”

Issues are PDF only and cost $4.99 each. You can view a sample from the first issue here. Exciting topics from this months issue:

  • Debugging JavaScript without alert()
  • Introduction to ExtJS
  • Community News
  • Unit testing with YUI
  • What’s new in jQuery 1.3
  • Functional Programming in JavaScript

Mark Twain used to end up every day on his porch reading JSMag and enjoying a stogie.

Mark Twain used to end up every day on his porch reading JSMag and enjoying a stogie.