Off to the 2008 ESRI Business Partner Conference


I’ll be driving out from Tempe early tomorrow morning to the 2008 ESRI Business Partner Conference. I’m looking forward to meeting and talking with everyone. Feel free to email me if you want to hook up and get drinks or food (I’m staying at Hotel Zoso down the street). I’ll of course be staying over the week for the Developer Summit as well. Looks like the weather will be much colder than the nice warm days we’ve been having so make sure you pack accordingly (note: my definition of cold will probably be different than others).

Alas, our 9.3 beta didn’t show up before I left work today so I guess I’ll have to just watch, rather than participate. Oh and if you want something to read on the airplane on your way to Palm Springs, why not print out some of the slide shows before and bone up on your 9.3 knowlege.

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