Open Source Geospatial Foundation

I spent some of the morning on the IRC channel following the meeting, but I slept in and missed more than half of it. 🙂

Both Matt Perry and Gary Sherman has some good insights into what transpired. The best news is everyone (including Sean I assume also) can now move forward and try and build the open source mapping community. Keep an eye out for the “official” Mapserver Foundation/Open Source Geospatial Foundation release which will probably be up soon (as soon as they all recover 😉 ). The meeting came off with few hitches and at least the portions I observed was smooth and they went out of their way to make sure everyone had an opportunity to either speak or type (via IRC) their concerns or questions.

I agree with Matt who said it was a historic day for open source GIS and I too am really looking forward to seeing how this all falls out in the next few months.