Open Source GIS Gathering San Diego — OSG-SD 2007

Well it looks like the Open Source GIS Gathering that happened last year at the ESRI 2006 User Conference will occur again.

Folks, save the datum… We’re tentatively planning a 2nd Annual Open Source GIS Gathering to be held on Monday, June 18th – probably starting early afternoon, ending late in the evening. The same Monday of the Plenary Session(s) of another famous GIS conference held in San Diego. Don’t be lost in space… San Diego State University’s Visualization is easy to find via trolley from the San Diego Convention Center area.

We filled the visualization lab in 2006, and arrangements are being made to accommodate more. Suggested ideas for this year include technical workshops and round-table discussions.

If you, or anyone you know, would be interested in presenting on an open source GIS topic, or conducting a technical workshop, please contact Dana Nibby here: danaspatial at yahoo dot com.

There’s now a mailing list for OSG-SD 2007. If you think you may be interested in attending, please sign-up below:

Spread the word to the extent possible.

Spatial Regards,


Everyone who showed up had a wonderful time and I suggest anyone who is planning to go to the UC should seriously look at attending. It will open your eyes believe me. And don’t worry, it isn’t an ESRI bitch session. While I’m sure there are plenty of people who feel like that around, the talks and demos at the OSG last year were excellent and showed the power of open source GIS projects.