
  • This Weeks Hangout with Alyssa Wright of OpenGeo

    This week I’ve got a great guest, Alyssa Wright of OpenGeo. Alyssa just gave a presentation at FedGeo about the new OpenGeo Enterprise Console which I’ve embedded below. We also will talk about what open means to OpenGeo (compare and contrast with Andrew Turner’s hangout) as well as why given that there are so many women in GIS, this is only the 3rd woman I’ve had on my hangout.

    As always we go live Wednesday, March 6th at 11am MST. You can either tag tweets with the hashtag #hwjf or join the chat live.

  • Emulating MapBox

    Did you see this new Esri ArcGIS for Developers website go up? My initial comment:

    Yea, HTML5 is teh awesome, right? But you can’t but help to notice that it looks like someone else in the industry. Noted others:

    I’d like to think there wasn’t malicious intent here, just that those who created it want to be like MapBox and Developement Seed. Still, when the 800lb (363kg) gorilla does things like this, you can’t but help call it a dick move.

    The Dude

    Not Cool

  • Hangouts with James Fee:: A Portal into Portals

    The always effervescent Brian Timoney joined me to talk shop. The IRC log is available here.

  • This Week’s Hangout with Brian Timoney

    Don’t forget, Wednesday at 11am MST, Brian Timoney joins to talk about “map portals”, data sharing (homework) and whatever else we come up with. Brian’s a smart guy and always great to listen to. Check out his FOSS4G Keynote talk:

    [vimeo 29189799 w=640 h=360]

    FOSS4G 2011 Brian Timoney from Peter Batty on Vimeo.

    FOSS4G 2011 Brian Timoney from Peter Batty on Vimeo.

    You can either tag tweets with the hashtag #hwjf or join the chat live.

  • GIS as a Marketing Term

    Am I the only one who thinks the term “GIS” has become less valuable because it is thrown around like “the cloud” and “web services”? Heck the first 3 Google search results go to a company, not Wikipedia. That’s some serious marketing SEO.

    As I’m starting up my own consulting company, I’ve noticed that it’s hard not to just say you “do GIS” and not explain what it is. Soul searching on what you actually do is a great way to get started. Say tuned…

    Marketing Dork

    Cartoon by: Hugh MacLeod

  • Avoiding the Broken Extension Problem

    I got this email from a reader a couple weeks ago:

    We use several tools that are built as extensions inside ArcGIS as toolbars. Most of these tools are built by other federal agencies (USFS and USFWS). These agencies are hit with cutbacks and budget cuts just like every other government agency. This results in an inability to keep up the extensions with current versions of ArcGIS. Do you know of any type of design/programmatic solutions that could in theory be used to avoid the broken extension problem that I seemed to be plagued with everytime I upgrade my software?

    Problem we’ve seen for years. How many friends to do you know still using 9.3.1 because of an extension issue. Now to be fair, this is a problem with many applications and operating systems. My Dad is using Mac OS X 10.6 because some scanning software he uses has never been updated. But here’s the big question from above:

    In short is there a way programs can interact with ArcGIS without having to be rewritten everytime a new service pack or upgrade comes along?

    Now the kicker for this user is that they are using extensions created by someone else. The trick is to get these under your control. Now you could open up Visual Studio and start coding, but I’d say your better bet is to recreate the geoprocessing using Python and open libraries. That way you’d be software agnostic (well at least besides Python) and not have to worry about what version of ArcGIS you are using. Then I’d leverage to call these Python processing scripts and perform the analysis from within ArcGIS Desktop. The best part of this is you can then transport this processing cross platform to any applications you are using. Simply simple!


    Because the ending as it stands today is very sad:

    We just upgraded to ArcGIS 10.1 and it broke all the extensions i use and no updates are available. Hind sight being 20/20 I should not have assumed these tools would work from 10 to 10.1.

    Esri gives lots of free Python training classes and Python has no shortage of great documentation.

  • Special Episode of Hangouts with James Fee:: An Open Discussion About Open with Andrew Turner of Esri

    We’ve got a special episode of Hangouts with James Fee this week. Andrew Turner of Esri joins me to talk about what it means when he says Esri is open. Read up on his blog post and be ready to follow along. We go live at 12 pm MST right here.

    You can either tag tweets with the hashtag #hwjf or join the chat live.

  • Hangouts with James Fee:: Shifting into Open

    We’re live at 11 am MST! As always we’ll be talking on IRC. Join #hwjf on or online. Better yet, use the #hwjf hashtag with Twitter.

  • This Week’s Hangout with Steve Citron-Pousty

    Don’t forget, this week Steve Citron-Pousty joins me to talk geospatial technology and how to use OpenShift with your geospatial applications. We go live this Wednesday at 11am MST so be ready. A couple people have mentioned they hate IRC with a passion and I’m a neckbeard for using it. Well if you’ve got comments, you can use hashtag #hwjf on twitter and I’ll monitor that as well. How’s that for open? (open as in skies, not open as in a door)

    As always, the feed will be available right here on my blog.

  • Hangouts with James Fee:: Putting the Gee in GIS

    We’re live at 11 am MST!

    As always we’ll be talking on IRC. Join #hwjf on or online.