
  • Safe Software posts all videos from the 2009 FME UC

    Safe Software just opened up all the videos from the 2009 FME UC. If you didn’t go and want to see what the fuss is all about, now is your chance.

    We hope you enjoy the beer, oh, like I mean the videos, eh.

    We hope you enjoy the beer, oh, like I mean the videos, eh.

  • WeoGeo at the 2009 ESRI User Conference

    Well my first day at WeoGeo actually was the first day of the ESRI UC. Nothing like starting out at the most important GIS conference of the year. My first day at WeoGeo also corresponded with WeoGeo’s first time at the ESRI UC itself.

    There has been much written up about the conference, but I thought I’d hit on some of the things that came up at the booth listening to people talk about problems they are having with content management.

    First off, clearly everyone knows they can do better with content management. Asking people if they could use help organizing their data is like asking them if they’d like a million dollars. OF COURSE! Sharing data is great and a goal everyone has, but if you can’t get your data organized and figure out which datasets are the latest (or even figure out what was “the latest” last year) you can’t share anything. In fact, I think sharing is the easy part of the equation compared to the management of the spatial data. Of course not everyone can or wants to put their data in the cloud so WeoGeo also offers an appliance that allows you to stick the WeoGeo Library behind your firewalls and keep sensitive data safe.

    The other interesting topic that came up was how do you share data in formats that people can consume. Sure, uploading your parcel database is great. Sharing it is great. But allowing people to use the data in software that they are comfortable using is where you really start seeing cost savings. With Safe FME built into the WeoGeo Library and Marketplace, users can transform any dataset into a couple hundred formats. An ESRI ArcGIS user can’t consume GeoJSON without converting it to a Geodatabase first, nor can a AutoCAD user read MapInfo files without converting them to DWG. With the WeoGeo Library, users can request to download those same spatial datasets (Raster or Vector) in any formats you choose to enable.

    On top of organizing and sharing data, you also need to set up access to these datasets. Do you want to publish to the world (and maybe monetize them) or do you want to lock them down behind users and groups? Sure you’d love to share data with everyone, but you don’t always own the rights to do so. Being able to grant user access and then take it away when a project is over helps keep that under control.

    Of course once your data is loaded into the WeoGeo Library, you can still work with it in many different ways. There is a great RESTful API to allow you to programmatically update users, their groups and their access to datasets as well as work with them while they are there. Everything is scriptable with Python so you can transfer your skills over very quickly to get results from organizing and sharing your data.

    So where next? Well if you’d like to try out the Library (which is in private beta), fill out the contact form and we’ll get an invite sent out to you. Browse the wiki to see some of the great features of the Library and Market. Get your data loaded into the Library using the WeoApp or if you are using ArcMap, email me and I’ll add you to our ArcGIS Toolbar beta loader test.

    If you are in the Bay Area tonight, come by the WebMapSocial Meetup in Mountain View to see Paul Bissett present the WeoGeo Library and Market and I’ll be presenting at the GeoWeb 2009 conference next week. It was great seeing everyone who had an opportunity to come by the booth and see the demonstration of the WeoGeo Library.

    Lastly I just wanted to make sure I posted this video of my son dancing at the Thursday Night celebration. I can only hope YouTube is still around when he brings his prom date home.

  • ESRI Plenary Session Videos

    ESRI has posted the video from the Plenary Sessions and broken them up into sections for viewing. You can’t link to each one, but you can access them here.

  • ESRI RESTful API 9.4

    I didn’t get as much time to talk with ESRI about the RESTful API, but I did two things answered that were bothering me.

    • You will be able edit with the RESTful API. Opens up the ability to edit ESRI Geodatabases with just about any client you can imagine.
    • You will be able to query and work with other tables in the geodatabase (tables don’t need to be joined to query them). I always seem to have lots of related tables in my projects so this should lessen the need to roll my own ASP.NET connector to work with tables.

    Bonus news is that the ESRI JavaScript API will support HTML 5 for some really slick web applications. Of course this is all based on ArcGIS 9.4 which should roll into our hands the first half of 2010.


  • ESRI’s MapIt vs MapDotNet vs IDV Solutions

    A couple people asked me at the ESRI UC what I thought about the ESRI MapIt announcement and how it related to MapDotNet and IDV Solutions products. Both MapDotNet and IDV Solutions have great products and really impressive support teams so don’t expect either to just disappear anytime soon (if at all). One thing is for sure though, MapIt is like no other ESRI product before it on how it is sold, supported and how agile the development team is. I suspect we’ll be seeing more ESRI MapIt type products from ESRI (smaller more nimble development teams like ArcGIS Explorer and the API teams) in the coming year.

    From a user standpoint, Microsoft seems to favor ESRI’s product (though one could say they were at the ESRI UC so we’ll have to see how Microsoft plays MapIt moving forward). Enterprise customers seem to prefer ESRI, but MapIt isn’t aimed at them (I can’t tell you how many times I heard ESRI say that I didn’t need MapIt because I already had everything I needed; ArcGIS Server). Thus this is a play for the market outside their traditional space and one that is possibly very disruptive if they can pull it off. At the very least, MapDotNet says bring it on!
    So we are starting to see the Microsoft stack get very spatial.

    SQL Server 2008 Spatial + SharePoint + Silverlight = GIS

    The only thing this can result in is better development tools for programmers and thus better tools for users.

  • Geospatial and Mapping eSeminar

    An interesting Webinar takes place this Wednesday at 10am PDT. The GeospatialPDF Webinar covers:

    • How GIS professionals can create full-featured map layouts with attributes, labels and layers in ESRI’s ArcMap and use TerraGo Publisher to export them to a geo-registered, portable PDF
    • How to use PDF maps in the field, including querying the spatial data (e.g., find coordinates of a location or accurately measure distance, perimeter and area) and creating spatially intelligent markup using the tools in Acrobat 9
    • How GIS staff in the office can roll field markups within a PDF map back into the enterprise quickly and efficiently

    It sounds like a good overview of using PDF to share spatial data and maps. Definitely worth the time.

    Even Ben Franklin was interested in getting the message out to the old world about geospatial PDFs.

    Even Ben Franklin was interested in getting the message out to the old world about geospatial PDFs.

  • GeoWeb 2009 is Around the Corner

    Ron Lake sets the tone of the 2009 GeoWeb Conference and it isn’t upbeat.

    Wither the world. It is hard at times not to be pessimistic. The world, our world, is admittedly finite. The illusion of expansion and of conquering frontiers, a hangover from the European expansion (the great reconnaissance) and their subsequent temporary dominance of the world, made us think otherwise, but only for a time. There are no more hidden worlds to discover and no more frontiers to conquer. The economy of the West, meaning that of the United States and Europe, seems to be in inevitable decline. The power and influence of the BRIC countries and the GCC seems to be on an inevitable rise. If one clings to the importance of the dominance of the West, this change of affairs may seem to be an unfortunate one indeed. If one looks at the betterment of the balance of humanity, it could equally be a cause for celebration.

    As a voter in the United States, I take full responsibility for bringing down western civilization. Seriously though Ron is doing what he does best, foster discussion. I can only imagine “in the round” we’ll be discussing the above and much more. One thing that is for sure, I’ll be presenting a technical session on “Enabling the GeoWeb with Small Organizations” (at the same time as Peter Batty and Xavier Lopez of Oracle).

    I’m interested in seeing how the conference shapes up after Where 2.0 2009 being so much smaller than in previous years. The ESRI UC seemed to show that some conferences are still going strong and this could be an indicator as to the GeoWeb Conference’s position in the geospatial conference pecking order. I’m doing my part by going.

  • ESRI ArcGIS 9.4 Reports Updates

    The Plenary the other day didn’t get too deep into new features of 9.4, but I was lucky enough to learn more about report creation in the ArcGIS 9.4 release:

    1. There is no Crystal Report Wizard in ArcGIS, the only means for creating a report is based on our new reporting engine.
    2. The Wizard is entirely new and includes options for the layout (default positioning of groups, summary stats, records, header, footer) and style of the report.
    3. Styles (templates as you call them) are new at 9.4, and you have the ability to create custom styles. Much easier to create a professional looking report.
    4. There is a Report Designer, where you can easily and interactively design the look and feel of the report layout; easily place graphics and other elements on the report.
    5. You can export the report out to more formats, including html, xls, pdf to name a few.
    6. The new reporting tools are a complete upgrade in terms of performance and usability. They are simply easy to work with; as one would expect.
    7. The biggest improvement in functionality is the ability to load/run a report. At 9.3.1 every report you created was static, you could not open it up to edit it or generate the same report with updated attributes or selections. At 9.4, you can load or run an existing report to make changes or see the changes within your data without having to start from scratch.
  • Download ESRI MapIt

    Now that MapIt has been released, you can now learn more and download it.

    MapIt is software and online services that enable you to create simple maps from your enterprise data. MapIt software transforms your data into meaningful information displayed on maps while providing access to a wealth of online data, basemaps, and task services from ESRI and Bing Maps. MapIt is built on the Microsoft platform, enabling organizations to leverage their developers’ skills and IT infrastructure.

    We’ll probably learn much more over the next week about MapIt and how it fits in with the ESRI product line. You buy it directly from ESRI and not through resellers or the normal ESRI sales lines. Remember, this is a Microsoft only solution so if you want to work with products outside their “stack”, you’ll want to look elsewhere.

  • The ESRI 2009 UC Plenary – First Session

    We are ready to go at the Plenary and Jack Dangermond has taken the stage and is giving away awards.

    Jack then jumped into the ‘vision’ of the 2009 UC. Jack calls us designers and it falls into three areas; software, systems, geography. The first two are well know, but designing geography is really what this conference is about. GIS + Design gives us a plan for decision making. We do get our first look at ArcGIS Desktop 9.4 and its new creation tools. The 9.4 demo later this morning should be impressive. Maps and GIS are changing; and there are many new ways to take advantage of the new technology to improve GIS. Jack’s slide references the cloud incorrectly, but I guess it depends what the term ‘cloud’ means to you. His cloud aligns more with the Internet as a whole than a specific cloud process.

    The web is a strong platform for GIS and it is about distributing geographic knowledge. I find it interesting that ESRI has replaced the Windows Mobile Phone graphic on their slides with an iPhone. Being able to leverage the iPhone or Blackberry is easy because ESRI took the time to create a great RESTful API. Others should take note.

    ArcGIS according to Jack is a ‘complete system’ consisting of Desktop, Server, Mobile and now their ArcGIS Online. The Geodatabase organizes your spatial information with a model. ESRI says if you want to leverage the power of GIS, you need to stop using Shapefiles and start using the Geodatabase. At 9.3.1 ESRI looked at quality, performance and cleaned up some licensing issues. ESRI then showed some of the same demos from the ESRI Developer Summit with the speed improvements to ArcGIS Server. The optimized map service toolbar was covered before so none of this is new. One new announcement is that their APIs are free for non-commercial use. We should see a huge uptick in the use of ESRI’s JavaScript, Silverlight and Flex APIs.

    ArcGIS content is king of course. ESRI has been offering data on CDs/DVDs for years and since 9.2 they’ve had their ArcGIS Online services. Bing Maps has been included at no costs for 9.3.1 users which we’ve known about for months, but the DeLorme World Atlas maps are just incredible. If there is DeLorme Kool-aid, I’d be happy to sip on it. ESRI has also improved much of their free data layers that are freely available to Desktop users.

    Bern then got up and showed some of the new ArcGIS Explorer features. I’ve been lucky enough to play with ArcGIS Explorer 900 on the beta and it really shows of a great user interface (take note of that ESRI Flex API users). Remember if you are an ESRI ArcGIS Desktop user, you’ll get complete access to the Bing Maps services for free. The biggest feature I think at 900 is the ability to switch between 2D and 3D maps. Sometimes it is better to work with a 2D view for presentation purposes. You can author layers in ArcGIS 9.3.1 and then create a layer package and push to ArcGIS Explorer with all the rich cartography. The integration between ArcGIS Server and Explorer is impressive and you’ll want to hook it up to AGS to gain the full functionality of AGX. The presentation mode of AGX should be a great way for ESRI users to share their geospatial projects. Bern and the AGX team has done an incredible job.

    Then Rob Shanks came up to show the new ArcGIS Online sharing tools. Basically you need to create layer packages to get your data into the ArcGIS Online system. The layer package is nice because it allows you to share the symbology with your dataset. You can share the dataset with everyone or groups you define. You tag your uploaded data to enable to be found by other users. Remember layer packages are disconnected from your data storage so if you want to ensure that users get the latest data, you’ll have to share the web services. Of course you’ll have to host the web service yourself. The ArcGIS Online service is still early in its development so it will be interesting to see how and where it grows. ESRI describes ArcGIS Online as Flickr.

    Clint Brown then was featured in a video talking about the new ArcGIS Online Templates. I’ve always thought that ESRI never invested in the templates in the past so it is great to see them starting to offer new ways to create great looking maps without any effort on both Desktop and Server.