Recovering from the weekend

The Monsoon really came into Tempe yesterday afternoon and ended up flooding my backyard, the pool overflowed and all that was between the rushing water and my kitchen was me and a push broom (I was able to triumph over the water). I hope we’ll start drying out as the whole yard is a disaster and I’ve got no place to dump the water from the pool until it dries out a bit.

Well at least others have been more productive. Peter Batty has announced that has gone through an upgrade and now integrates with other social networking tools such as Dopplr and Twitter. He’s got some videos showing the new features of his social networking tool online on Vemeo. He is also presenting at GeoWeb next week on some of the issue his team has had to address on creating a spatial networking site.

Speaking of GeoWeb 2008, online registration closes today so don’t put it off anymore.

Jithen noticed that the ESRI Developer Network (EDN) has been updated to 9.3. That means that ESRI developers now that both the ESRI Resource Centers and the EDN site to help them develop on the ESRI platform.

Sean Gorman wrote up day one of the State of the Map conference.

Lastly, it appears that WeoGeo’s move to Portland, Oregon has been noticed by Oregon Business Magazine. If Paul Bissett can just shave his head bald, I’m sure he’ll get number one next year. Maybe we can do something about it at GeoWeb 2008?