Tag: connected world 2016

  • Bosch ConnctedWorld 2016

    Bosch ConnctedWorld 2016 — ChicagoNext week I’ll be at Bosch ConnectedWorld Chicago talking on a panel about Connected Smart Cities. I haven’t been talking much about my new company, Cityzenith as we’ve been working hard on releasing our beta but that happens very soon so expect to read much more about Smart Cities, IoT, BIM, Cesium.js and open data. If you’re attending, let me know and we can meet up.
    Last week we were in front of Mayor Emanuel of Chicago, IL and Mayor Khan of London, UK. You can see underground model inside our cesium.js world.

    [vimeo 183060781 w=640 h=360]

    Chicago CIO Brenna Berman Presents Cityzenith 5D Smart World to Mayor Emmanuel and Mayor Khan from Cityzenith on Vimeo.