Tag: mashup

  • Sean disputes my use of “mashup”

    Link – Not a Mashup

    “Yes, one can use the ArcWeb SOAP API to push point data to the service to be rendered onto a map and display the resulting map image in a web page, but this is not what we’re talking about when we say mashup. A web map mashup, in the chicagocrime.org sense, combines data (locations, images, etc) and maps in your browser. The browser is where the mashing occurs, increasingly with the use of tools like Greasemonkey, not a GIS server.”

    I’ve actually thought much about this as every time I write the word “mashup” on my blog, but I’ve decided to call anything that takes two desperate sources a mashup (I guess by my definition everything done in GIS is a mashup). Maybe we need to define mashup more, but lets just say I’ll use the lowercase form of mashup instead of the more formal Mashup. All mashups are not created equal, but when dealing with a buzzword what is one supposed to do?

  • Lame Attempt at Creating a Virtual Earth Map

    I’m stuck at home waiting for our new kitchen table to arrive so I figured why not create a Virtual Earth control on a web page. I created the simple page below.

    Check out my place of work in all its B&W satellite glory except the image is too old and it doesn’t show up even though the building has been around for almost 5 years

    I was going to do something in AWS but I didn’t realize that my web hosting company doesn’t allow JSP on the level of service I’m paying for (el cheap level). I might have to upgrade because I’d really like to give it a shot. An even bigger question is why does a .NET programmer not use a hosting company that has IIS?

  • Google Maps and the Transpacific Yacht Race

    Link – Transpac 2005 Tracks via Google Maps Mania

    The Transpac race from Long Beach to Honolulu is run every two years, alternating with the Pacific Cup. 2005’s race, the 43rd, got started on July 11th. Position reports from each boat are collected by radio at 9am PDT, are posted on the web by about 1:30pm PDT, and show up here some time after that.

    How cool would it be if someone took this data and created a ArcWeb Services application that had even more data in it such as weather? Heck ESRI should just do it as an example and post the code. A very nice mashup indeed.
