Tag: rita

  • NOAA Releases Post-Rita Aerial Images

    Link – Hurricane Rita Base Map Index Page – via PubSub

    NOAA just completed an aerial survey areas affected by Hurricane Rita. The areas were photographed on Sunday covered the coastal regions of Louisiana and Texas. They were flown last Sunday right after the hurricane hit. One hates to make comparisons with natural disasters, but these images look very similar to the ones from the tsunami that hit SE Asia last year.

    Update – Go here if you want to get information about georeferencing the images for use in GIS.

    Rita cameron

  • Multi-Dimensional Imagery from NOAA is back up

    Link – Multi-Dimensional Imagery from NOAA

    The site is back up and running so if you want to check out the latest multi-dimensional imagery, now is the time.

    Hurricane Rita Satellite NOAA

  • The Latest View of Rita

    I’ve got family in the Austin area so I’m very happy to see that the hurricane will be well to the east of them, but it looks like Houston will be getting more than before. The ESRI Hurricane Disaster Viewer is a great tool to keep up to date on the path. The live web services that ESRI is using is wonderful, I can’t imagine how all this will be when ArcExplorer is out and ESRI starts leveraging all this data inside ArcWeb.

    Rita path

  • Multi-Dimensional Imagery of Hurricane Rita

    Link – Multi-Dimensional Imagery from NOAA

    Multi-Dimensional Imagery from polar orbiting and geostationary satellites at NOAA really gives you a sense of depth in these hurricanes. I wonder if this time next year if we’ll see 3D live models of hurricanes in Google Earth and ArcExplorer. Until then, bookmark this site for incredible pictures (high res photos available after the jump).


  • Tracking Rita via ArcWeb

    It is hard to keep track of all these hurricanes this year which is too bad for people who live in the Southeast United States. I went to the ESRI’s Hurricane Maps and Help, but Rita doesn’t seem to be on their radar yet. Lucky for us, ArcWeb Services has tons of weather services that don’t require any hacking on the users part. Just open up the Hurricane Katrina Disaster Viewer, zoom out all the way and then from the “Map Type” drop down list at the upper right, select “Current Hurricanes”.

    It shows the power of ArcWeb services and how having so many types of map services (beyond just satellite imagery) keeps your web applications up to date (but unfortunately for ESRI they put the word ‘Katrina’ in the page graphic). To all my friends in Houston, good luck and I have room for you here in Arizona.

    Rita tracker

  • Getting Ready For Rita

    I got a note from ESRI letting me know that they are helping local and federal government agencies prepare for Rita. It seems that everyone has learned much about what happened after the devastation of Katrina and I think everyone is being proactive with Rita.

    ESRI’s online information will be updated to ensure people know they can request help for Rita in addition to Katrina. The infrastructure is already in place thanks to Katrina, so we’ll just add the appropriate links as they come in. The storm viewer will include Rita data as soon as it becomes available. Most of the data on the viewer will not need to be changed, and people can use it to study the area for potential impacts. The USPS delivery zone data, FEMA data, and satellite imagery will be updated as it becomes available. On the viewer, they set the extent of the Southeast U.S. Current Storms bookmark to show Rita and her track.

    They best thing to do is probably bookmark the ESRI’s Hurricane Maps and Help page and subscribe to their RSS feed making sure you are up to date on how you can assist government agencies and private organizations that need help in responding during the 2005 hurricane season.