This Week’s Hangout:: Geospatial Career Panel 2012 – Navigating the Field

Update: I’ve already gotten word that this hangout will be broadcast at a couple GIS Day events on the big screen. Let me know and I’ll get the word out about it.

This week is a very special hangout titled “Geospatial Career Panel 2012 – Navigating the Field”.

The Geospatial industry is evolving rapidly these days, and it can be difficult to get your bearings and plan your career wisely…

In honor of GIS Day (Nov. 14th), we’ll be hosting a special Google+ HangoutOnAir: “Geospatial Career Panel 2012: Navigating the Field.” It will start at 10am PST (1pm EDT). We have three amazing panelists lined up to answer viewer questions about the GIS and geospatial job market, and how best to prepare for it.

  • David Dibiase, Director of Education for Esri’s Industry Solutions Division, has years of experience in GIS education, and will represent the academic sector and Esri.
  • Kenny Miller, President Elect of NSGIC (National States Geographic Information Council) and Maryland’s Deputy Geographic Information Officer, will provide insights into public sector GIS.
  • Jessica Touchard, Senior Recruiter with GeoSearch, Inc., will provide us with an overarching view of GIS jobs in the private sector.

After introductions and opening statements from each panelist, the show will be audience driven. Viewers will be able to submit and vote-up questions in Google Moderator. Please submit one here now! During the Hangout, we will also keep an eye on viewer comments in the IRC (instant messaging) channel, #hwjf on

If you can’t make the live show, no worries; it will be recorded and posted right here.

This event should be especially helpful for students and young professionals; please share this announcement or post this flyer to help spread the word.