zigGIS 2.0 – View Edit PostGIS and SQL Server 2008 from ArcGIS Desktop

Abe Gillespie has the great news on his blog, zigGIS 2.0 is officially announced.

Obtuse Software is proud to announce the upcoming release of zigGIS 2.0. For over two years zigGIS has enabled ArcView to view and analyze PostGIS layers. New to version 2.0 is the ability to edit PostGIS data as well as support for Microsoft SQL Server 2008.

Now all you folks who were unhappy that ESRI is charging for SQL Server 2008 access, now have an alternative avenue to view/edit SQL Server 2008 data. The questions I had seem to have been answered:

Obtuse Software releases zigGIS 2.0 sometime 2008 Q1. There is still much to be done so expect it later than sooner. Corporate licenses sell for $279 per seat. Personal and educational licenses are free. The source code will remain open.

So there you have it. View/edit both PostGIS and SQL Server 2008 right from ArcMap.