Author: James

  • Got the key

    Well I’m finally a homeowner again. My realtor got me the key this afternoon and the house is ours. The seller had a moment of insanity that I hope has passed and we both can more forward and be happy. I just want to say if I ever buy a house from any of you, I don’t want your old neckties. I’m always glad to give to back to you ASAP even if you did forget them and tried to break into my house to retrieve them.

  • Happy Opening Day

    The best time of the year is when baseball starts up again.

    Opening Day 2007

    Recommended reading: Baseball Hacks

  • Monday Open Thread

    Open Mic

    We haven’t had one of these in quite some time and a couple have emailed me asking if I could do another one.

    Knock yourselves out guys.

  • CarbonArc Lite is now free

    Jeff Harrison of The Carbon Project emailed me and some other folks that CarbonArc Lite is now free. CarbonArc Lite used to cost $495 per seat so this is major shift for The Carbon Project. Simply put, you can use CarbonArc Lite to connect to WMS and WFS services using ArcMap as well as work with GML. All you “executive types” can refer to the pretty brochure to learn more.

    Your mileage may very as I was unable to get it to install. I’ll revisit it next week when I have more time to figure out what is going on. Looks like I can’t read the fine print. This version of CarbonArc Lite is only for ArcGIS 9.1 and I’m running 9.2. This won’t be a problem for long because Jeff tells me that a version for 9.2 should arrive in the next few months.

    Why don't DLL's like me?

  • Update on Planet Geospatial being blocked by Websense

    Just got a confirmation from Websense:

    Thank you for writing to Websense.

    The site you submitted is a virtually hosted site that was not in our database. However, it shares an IP address with another site in our database which caused an unintended overblock. The site has been reviewed and categorized accordingly: – Information Technology

    Categorization updates should be available in the next scheduled publication of the database. A new database is published every business day, five days a week, Pacific Standard Time.

    Thank you for your assistance,

    The Websense Database Services Staff
    Friday, March 30, 2007 3:57:07 PM

    So those who are getting the message saying that Planet Geospatial is a sex site, should be seeing GIS soon.

  • Changes are coming to the ESRI Support Page

    The ESRI Support Center News blog has a screen shot up with the draft look for the new support pages. I’m hopeful the search will be better than it currently is, but I see one change that hasn’t been made yet.

    New Esri Support Page

    The 3 latest knowledge base entries are nice, but how about instead of linking to the knowledge base as a whole, link to a list of the latest knowledge base articles. If 5 new KB articles go up at one time, you’d miss at least 2 of them unless you knew where to look. This should be the default action for all those “Latest Addition” sections. There is no way to keep track of all the latest KB articles or even patches unless someone posts about there in the forums or on a blog.

  • Huge update to Planet Geospatial

    I know, I’ve been claiming that I’ve been working on a better Planet Geospatial than the one that currently exists for quite some time now. Well the good news is that its done and the DNS should be updating as we speak. The older Planet software was dated and couldn’t handle Atom feeds well (which is why half the feeds were a mess). Well I’ve switched to Sam Ruby’s new Planet branch, Planet Venus. I’ve been trying with little success to get running on my existing host (for probably 6 months now) and finally broke down and switched hosts (check out the new improved Planet Geospatial here for sneak peak). Give it some time for the DNS to get updated, probably about 48 hours for everyone to be running the new site. All the old urls should work after this transition and you’ll all be much happier with the result.

    Thanks to Sean for helping out with me finding a new host and pestering me about the Atom support.

    Expect some issues over the next day.

    UPDATE 1 – there seems to be a configuration issue. I’m tracking it down so if you see a page that says “Not application mounted at the root of this domain”, just come back in a while and it will be resolved.

    UPDATE 2 – everything appears to be working now. If you still get the old site, just keep checking back…

    UPDATE 3 – Looks like Websense has reclassified PlanetGS as “Information Technology” so those who were getting blocked might be able to actually read Planet Geospatial now.

  • 3DConnexion SpaceNavigator driver for ESRI ArcMap 9.2


    Haven’t had a chance to try it out yet, but those with the SpaceNavigator and ArcMap 9.2 might want to take a look at the work Jiro Shirota has done.

    From the comments:

    Demo movie:

    Driver (dll / tlb)

    You will need .NET 2.0 runtime.

  • ArcGIS Server Code Challenge Results

    As was announced at the Dev Summit, here are the results for the ArcGIS Server Code Challenge.

    • First Place – Hussein AlSayegh won a Trimble Recon GPS XB Edition bundled with ArcPad software for his AJAX TOC sample

    • Second Place – a Microsoft Xbox 360 went to Ranjit Menon for his sample of persisting and retrieving data using a Server Object Extension

    • Third Place – Sasa Ivetic won a Microsoft Zune for his control that sets the scale on a map

    • An Honorable Mention went to John Waterman for his SOA example: ArcGIS Explorer and ArcMap Clients

  • MapDotNet Server Blog

    I’ve been reading the MapDotNet Server Blog this morning and it’s an interesting read. One quote that makes you stop and think from the “Do Recent ESRI Survey Results Forecast Trouble?” entry:

    We’re tracking the latest development in web based mapping from Microsoft: Virtual Earth. VE makes it too easy for all of these .NET developers to deliver as compared to the ArcGIS platform. Coupled with MapDotNet Server, VE makes a complete, robust and easy to use platform.