OK, where the heck is ArcSDE CAD Client for 9.2?
Its May already and I still don’t see it on the ESRI support site. My choice right now is AutoCAD 2006 (or earlier) and ArcSDE 9.1 which isn’t much of a choice at all anymore (my company is in the process of upgrading us from AutoCAD 2007 to 2008 and I can probably hold on to the 2007 license, but 2006 is out of the question) and I’m in the process of upgrading our Oracle 10g/SDE 9.1 install to SQL Server 2006/SDE 9.2 which I don’t want to hold off too much longer on. I know at the Dev Summit the word was April 2007, but here we are in May and it still isn’t there.