
  • Walt’s ArcWeb Mashup is Looking Great

    I just checked out Walt’s progress on his ArcWeb mashup and it is looking great. I like how he put buttons right on the map much like Google Maps does (but he added a “Topo” button that Google doesn’t offer). Considering where this was last week, I’m very impressed with his progress.


    **Update – **Walt offers up his ArcWeb Zoom PHP code on his blog.

  • ESRI Updates Hurricane Katrina Data Resource Guide

    Link – Hurricane Katrina Data Resource Guide Updated

    ESRI’s guide shows you both free and fee based data resources with Hurrican Katrina information.

  • Mapdex Now Supports Google Earth

    Link – Mapdex in GoogleEarth 2

    Mapdex is fully integrated with Google Earth. All mapservices that return a valid projection will have the ability to be added into Google Earth via network links.

    Just like that, Mapdex now supports Google Earth. Jeremy was nice enough to also release the ColdFusion code to take any ArcIMS service and allow it to be viewed in Google Earth. Anyone who is currently offering up ArcIMS services should seriously think about offering Google Earth support as it is so easy to do.

    Of course as always you can add these ArcIMS and WMS services to your ArcMap by following these instructions from ESRI.

  • Subscribe to Spatially Adjusted Entries via Email

    I’ve added functionality to subscribe to entry comments via email. Now when you post a comment you can be assured that you’ll have any responses emailed to you. Just check the box right above the text entry field to be included. I haven’t yet added an RSS feed for comments because I feel they get lost in my RSS reader, but if this is something you’d like to see I can easily add it. Just let me know.

  • ESRI Hurricane Maps and Help

    Link – Hurricane Maps and Help

    ESRI has a nice page up where you can volunteer your services to help with the hurricane recovery. Right after disasters happen people always offer up overwhelming support, but months/years down the line their enthusiasm wanes as the story moves off the front page. If you can’t help right now because you don’t have the opportunity, remember that help will be needed for long in the future.

  • Taking the easy way

    Over the past years I’ve always customized my blog cascading style sheets because I never really liked the look of the default ones. With Movable Type 3.2, the new stylesheets are much better, even to the point I was going to use them to create my own. Along the way I’ve decided that since I fight CSS all day at work (well maybe that is exaggerated just a little), I really don’t want to bother at home. So I’m going to use the default styles that are available with Movable Type. I’m kind of partial with this one…

  • Andrea Rosso Goes Nuts With Public ArcWeb Services

    Links – Making an ArcWeb Mashup and A simple ArcWeb AJAX map control in PHP

    Reading various news articles about mapping around the web it seems that there is a lot of excitement about what are called ‘mashups’. I have not been able to find a formal definition of this but it seems that this is basically when some sort of useful data is ‘mashed’ on top of some mapping service like Google. This most often seems to be point data like locations of bloggers, or events, etc. but sometimes it’s things like images, etc.

    Andrea gets into a detailed description of how to create your own ArcWeb mashup using Perl. Besides this he also posted an article on how to create a very simple AJAX map control to stick right on your website. Someone at ESRI should like directly to Andrea’s blog from the Public AWS page so people can see this stuff.

  • Walt’s ArcWeb Mashup is Looking Great

    Link – ArcWeb Public Services – Part 0.3: Something almost usable

    Well, after messing around last night and at lunch today, I have a fairly functional mashup using ESRI’s ArcWeb Public Services and PHP.

    It’s pretty basic, with simple pan and zoom functionality, and a couple of point layers that you can turn on and off.

    Considering you pretty much have to do everything yourself, Walt’s first effort is impressive. Great effort!

    Take a look at his mashup here.

  • DigitalGlobe Releases Satellite Imagery of Hurricane Katrina

    Link – Hurricane Katrina Media Gallery

    Looks like DigitalGlobe has Released Satellite Imagery from Hurricane Katrina. The amount of devastation is just unbelievable. I was down there back in June and I hope everyone that I’ve worked with in Gulfport, MS is OK.