
  • The Paper Map Era is Over

    Not that I needed to tell you, but paper maps are a dying breed:

    Transportation departments around the country are in the middle of readjusting their spending amid times of falling revenue, and paper maps could be on the chopping block, said Bob Cullen, spokesman for the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.

    I mean who really wants a paper map other than neck beards (I know who you all are)? Plotters are already the dot matrix printer of our times. They’ll stick around until they break or need more ink toner, then the plug will be pulled and we can all move on. My first job in the industry was “Plotter Operator”, don’t let that be your last.


    Take one last picture with your plotter and toss it out the door

  • Have a Great Fourth of July

    Clearly, I’m out swimming in the pool, eating fried chicken, and watching some baseball. I hope you’re doing the same. Happy Birthday, America!

  • BIM/GIS — There is Hope

    Remember this quote?

    ‘I’d like to create an integrated television set that is completely easy to use,’ he told me. ‘It would be seamlessly synced with all of your devices and with iCloud.’ No longer would users have to fiddle with complex remotes for DVD players and cable channels. ‘It will have the simplest user interface you could imagine. I finally cracked it.’

    Well we’re still waiting for Apple to “crack” the TV (or I guess anyone that is). BIM/GIS has been a focus on mine for at least 5 years. I’ve had to put it on the backburner because the tools weren’t there to seamlessly sync GIS/BIM data back and forth (you still need to be an expert in Revit and GIS). But I’m starting to see things fall into place this summer where we could be really close to integrating these tools. It isn’t so much that you could pay someone like me to do the conversion (though I’m available at $300/hour to do so), it is the ability to bring BIM into GIS and GIS data into BIM without having to think about it.

    It’s going to be a great second half of 2012!

    Fun Times

  • Worm Steals DWGs — Is SHP Next?

    It was only a matter of time:

    “ACAD/Medre.A represents a serious case of suspected industrial espionage,” said Zwienenberg. “Every new design is sent automatically to the operator of this malware. Needless to say this can cost the legitimate owner of the intellectual property a lot of money as the cybercriminals have access to the designs even before they go into production.”

    Now this is clearly a focus on mechanical designs, but there is a ton of proprietary information out there in DWG and GIS formats. Before you install that 3rd Party GIS extension for ArcGIS for Desktop, think about what you might be giving away.

    Deep Thoughts

  • Autodesk’s Project Artoo — Clean Up Your GIS Data

    I’ve been keeping my eye on Autodesk’s new project “Project Artoo”. It’s a cool project that allows AutoCAD Map 3D users to perform geometry cleanup operations on geospatial data, even on FDO-connected data stores, including Shapefiles, Esri Geodatabase, SQLite, Autodesk’s SDF and Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle databases. It is also available in languages other than English.

    It appears Autodesk is moving back into the GIS space. They’re taking on Esri in the GeoDesign world as well, not to mention BIM. I still hold out hope for more BIM/GIS connections and maybe instead of Esri or Safe enabling it, Autodesk and FDO get it done. Good to see some competition since MapInfo went all Wordperfect on us.


    Yes, we’re all happy for some competition. Innovation is what we need!

  • It is a Buyer’s Market — Google Lowers Google Maps Pricing

    Lower pricing and simplified limits with the Google Maps API

    Since launching the Google Maps API seven years ago, we’ve been awed by the many ways developers have used the service to build great mapping apps. As you may know, last year we introduced limits on the number of free maps that developers could show daily through the Google Maps API. Since then, we’ve been listening carefully to feedback, and today we’re happy to announce that we’re lowering API usage fees and simplifying limits for both Styled and regular maps.

    All Smiles

    All smiles down at the Googleplex

    There are some pretty big changes over at Google. If you were hoping Google was going to price themselves out of the web mapping industry, you are sadly mistaken. One more little tidbit:

    We’re beginning to monitor Maps API usage starting today, and, based on current usage, fees will only apply to the top 0.35% of sites regularly exceeding the published limits of 25,000 map loads every day for 90 consecutive days.

    So now your Google Maps API application will be monitored for use. Local governments probably have nothing to worry about, they wish they had 25,000 map loads every day for 90 consecutive days. Thank god for the weekend! And on top of it all, they’ve brought their business model to Google Maps!

    You can generate revenue from your Maps API application using AdSense for Maps, which enables you to display relevant ads on or alongside your map.

    You too can get pennies on the click for Viagra ads on your map of threatened and endangered species in the Himalayas. Sign me up!

  • QGIS 1.8 is Released

    QGIS 1.8

    Today is a big day for GIS users. QGIS 1.8 is out and about. Check out the new features on their website.

    A couple features that I like: * QGIS Browser which should be very familiar to those who’ve used ArcGIS Catalog.

    • DBManager which is now no longer a plugin. I’m a big users of it so this should be very nice.
    • New plugin repository! I’m always amazed at how many plugins there are available.
    • Microsoft SQL Server support.
    • Expression based labeling (YES!)
    • support for Zip/GZip layers

    I’ve already downloaded mine from KyngChaos.

  • Update: ArcGIS Online Service Credits Might Not Be A Good Deal


    OK so we were off just a bit on pricing. Clearly ArcGIS Online can be expensive, but that can be said the same of any cloud service. There are situations where the cloud makes sense and where you are nuts for thinking of using it. For now the price of ArcGIS Online is low enough to get started (especially with the free 30 days) that if you’ve been waiting for such a service, you should give it a shot. Otherwise, just stand up your ArcGIS Server in rackspace and be done with it.

    Also this might not be a bad time to mention I’m giving a Lighning Talk at the Esri UC on just this subject, where the Cloud makes sense to users. Heh, I totally didn’t even plan that!

    Yesterday I asked what did a service credit get you with ArcGIS Online. To me the pricing seemed aggressive, but given that service credits could mean whatever Esri wants them to be, I figured the devil is in the detail. Don Barker signed up and then figured out what a service credit gets you. Go to his blog post for all the detail, but I’ll just pull this out here:

    Tile generation – 1 [service] credit per 1000 tiles generated

    I can’t imagine that is right. As Brian Flood points out here, that’s just a simple ordinary tile cache. If that pricing is correct, I now see what all the complaining was about, these service credits don’t get you very much and AGO ends up being expensive, quickly. Hopefully Esri will address this with more detail and we can see what you actually get for a service credit.

    You Really Blew It

    Wait, service credits aren’t a deal?

  • Arcgis Online Pricing Released, What is A Service Credit

    ArcGIS Online has been one of the more confusing products to come out of Esri that I can recall (well besides ArcGIS Publisher). No one could really figure out what Esri wanted it to be and then it sort of went dark since late last year. In the meantime, we’ve heard rumblings about the pricing being out of wack with expectations and many smaller government users have basically told me they thought it was very unreasonable. But for most of us, we had no idea what it was going look like or cost. But now we’ve got pricing.

    ArcGIS Online Pricing

    To me, that doesn’t look bad at all. In fact, I’m almost wondering if Esri is doing this at a loss given what ArcGIS Server costs. Now I do get that there is some uncertainty here with what exactly you are getting with these Service Credits. A good friend of mine compared them to “Disney Dollars” where their value can of course be changed at any time. Right now they are 1:1 to the U.S. Dollar but you still don’t really have much idea what that means. As will all Esri pricing, anything is negotiable so call your local rep and deal with them.

    But that doesn’t really explain what a Service Credit is and what you get for it. Does anyone have a clue? Some say it is one action of storing data in

    If that’s the case, this is a steal and you all need to be more realistic with your pricing expectations. I am quite impressed with how aggressive it is. Clearly, Esri is serious about ArcGIS Online. Meanwhile, Google continues to do nothing with Google Earth Maps Builder. I guess we’ll hear more about it at Google I/O, but whatever lead they had over Esri, that’s evaporated.

    Esri Dollar

  • WWDC Apple Maps Video Posted

    Apple has posted the video of the WWDC keynote. If you want to see the new Apple Maps app, just fast forward to about 98 minutes into the talk.