
  • Safe FME 2010

    So yea I’m a little late with this as I’ve been really busy this week. Still I wanted to get out the word (assuming that you pay zero attention elsewhere) that Safe has released FME 2010. Now I’ve got no scientific data to back this up, but I’ve imagined that they were done with FME 2010 for a couple weeks now, but had to wait until the new year arrived before they could release it officially. I of course can understand given they probably had everything printed up beforehand and who wants to be they guy telling the accountants that they have to reprint all their material because they wanted to release in 2009.

    Or maybe not…

    OK so some really great things in 2010 that I’m looking forward to using in production is the improved metadata support and of course the engine that drives WeoGeo, FME Server. Oh Canada!

    We hope you enjoy the beer, oh, like I mean the ETL, eh.

  • Community Geospatial Links to Haiti – Updated

    USGS Shake Map for Haiti

    Update Monday Jan 18th: Another update in an attempt to keep the links valid.

    Update Friday Jan 15th: The team has gone back and updated some of the mapping links so check them out at the bottom of this post. Dead links have been removed and new ones added. Keep in mind much of this is fluid so sorry if the links don’t work when you try them out.

    On Tuesday, January 12 a 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck about 10 miles southwest of the capital of Port-au-Prince, Haiti. The earthquake was the worst in the region in more than 200 years. With many poor residents living in tin-roof shacks that sit precariously on steep ravines and with much of the construction in Port-au-Prince and elsewhere in the country of questionable quality, the expectation was that the quake caused major damage to buildings and significant loss of life, according to The New York Times.

    Many companies are using this disaster to showcase their products and I think we need to try and share this open data outside of these silos. Content below is organized by section:

    • Quick facts about Haiti
    • Haiti – Related Links
      • US Government
      • Non-Profit, Non-Governmental Organizations
      • New Media – Social Networking Sites
    • GIS – Data – Maps – Geospatial Information – GeoRSS
    • GIS Volunteers & Humanitarian Volunteer Sites

    Quick facts about Haiti

    On Tuesday, January 12 a 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck about 10 miles southwest of the capital of Port-au-Prince, Haiti. The earthquake was the worst in the region in more than 200 years. With many poor residents living in tin-roof shacks that sit precariously on steep ravines and with much of the construction in Port-au-Prince and elsewhere in the country of questionable quality, the expectation was that the quake caused major damage to buildings and significant loss of life, according to The New York Times.

    Quick facts about Haiti Population: 9, 035,536 Languages: French and Creole Economy: Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere with 80% of the population living under the poverty line and 54% in abject poverty. Capital: Port-au-Prince Size: Slightly smaller than Maryland Life expectancy at birth: 60.78 years Median age: 20.2 years Location: Caribbean, western one-third of the island of Hispaniola, between the Caribbean Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean, west of the Dominican Republic

    Haiti – Related Links US Government

    U.S. Department of State @dipnote U.S. Department of State Facebook State Department Ops Center 1-888-407-4747 For Americans seeking information about family members in #Haiti

    Non-Profit, Non-Governmental Organizations

    American Red Cross @RedCross American Red Cross Facebook American Red Cross Other Text “HAITI” to 90999 to donate $10 to @RedCross relief efforts in #Haiti. Learn more:

    Mercy Corps Mercy Corps @mercycorps Mercy Corps Facebook Mercy Corps Other Mercy Corps Create A Personal Fundraising Page on source=9840

    CARE CARE Twitter @CARE CARE Blog

    Partners In Health Partners In Health Twitter @PIH_org

    ONE ONE Twitter @onecampaign ONE Facebook ONE Blog ONE RSS

    United States Fund for UNICEF United States Fund for UNICEF Twitter @unicefusa United States Fund for UNICEF Facebook

    New Media – Social Networking

    _ _ Twitter & Twitter Lists

    NPR News @nprnews

    Los Angeles Times @latimes/haiti-quake

    New York Times @nytimes/haiti-earthquake

    CNN @CNN/haiti

    Wyclef Jean @wyclef

    Troy Livesay Location Port Au Prince, Haiti @troylivesay

    GIS – Maps – Geospatial Information – GeoRSS


    ReliefWeb Haiti: Earthquakes – Jan 2010 OpenForm&emid=EQ-2010-000009-HTI&rc=2 RSS: @reliefweb

    MapAction Haiti Map Catalogue @mapaction

    ESRI Flex Map Viewer Shows Haiti Earthquake Locations zoom to Haiti and select the georss earthquake feed @esri

    ITHACA – Information Technology for Humanitarian Assistance, Cooperation and Action Maps Archive Damage assessment maps based on satellite image visual interpretation. ITHACA is a non-profit association which is located in the Politecnico of Torino campus that partners with the UN World Food Programme (WFP).

    United Nations Spatial Data Infrastructure (UNSDI) extended=on&remote=off&attrset=geo&any=haiti&hitsPerPage=10 (Search: Haiti) @UN & @Refugees

    GeoNetwork opensource: FAO, WFP,& UNEP (Maps, Metadata, some Data) (Where : Haiti) GeoNetwork opensource provides Internet access to interactive maps, satellite imagery and related spatial databases. It s purpose is to improve access to and integrated use of spatial data and information. GeoNetwork opensource allows to easily share spatial data among different users

    USGS Estimated Population Exposed to Earthquake Shaking @USGS

    Centro del Agua del Tr pico H medo para Am rica Latina y El Caribe (CATHALAC) @CATHALAC

    GIS Data

    China Earthquake Geospatial Research Portal Haiti Earthquake Data RSS: q=feed/new_posts

    ArcGIS Online owner=esri_event&title=Haiti%20Earthquake ArcGIS Online is a data discovery, sharing, and use platform for all ArcGIS Users. There are many free data sets there including global ones. @ESRI & @ESRI_France & @GISPublicSafety &@esriportugal

    OpenStreetMap Extracts for Haiti Files are generated every 5 minutes. Available formats: OpenStreetMap source files, Garmin GMAPSUPP.IMG files, and ESRI shapefiles @openstreetmap

    USGS Latest Earthquakes: Feeds & Data @USGS & @USGSNews

    NGA GEOnet Names Server (GNS)

    The USNG National Implementation Center (TUNIC) at Delta State University Haiti Maps and Data id=482&type=1 Delta State University, Cleveland, MS USNG grid datasets are produced by Delta State’s Center for Interdisciplinary Geospatial Information Technologies in partnership with the US Geological Survey with a focus upon the application of USNG in emergency and disaster management. @deltastate

    GIS Resources

    ESRI Disaster Response and Assistance @ESRI

    Google Earth Data

    Google Embedded KML Viewer synd=open&url=

    Google LatLon Blog @googlemaps

    Google Earth Outreach @earthoutreach

    Google Earth Library Haiti Earthquake Maps and Data


    The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency Haiti Earthquake Crisis Relief Public Site The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) is supporting the State Department, the U.S. Agency for International Development, the U.S. Southern Command and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) with analysis, unclassified commercial satellite imagery and geospatial intelligence products of the Haitian areas devastated by the recent earthquake.

    DigitalGlobe buffer=1.0&catalogId=10300100035AF200&imageHeight=natres&imageWidth=natres buffer=1.0&catalogId=1030010003D32000&imageHeight=natres&imageWidth=natres The crisis event service has been activated in response to a 7.0 earthquake centered approximately 10 miles SW of Port-au-Prince. These are links to a series of WV02 collects from January 7 over Port-au-Prince. @DigitalGlobe

    GeoEye iid=287&gid=20 @GeoEye

    Additional Resources

    Google Voice & Free calling to Haiti through Google Voice for the next two weeks. To place a call using Google Voice, use the Click2Call button on the website, the Google Voice mobile app, or dial your own Google Voice number and press 2 to place an outbound call. If you don’t have a Google Voice account, you can request an invitation at @googlevoice

  • ArcGIS 9.4 is now ArcGIS 10

    ArcGIS 9.4 is now going to be ArcGIS 10. Jack announced this in a podcast today. I didn’t hear much new than we’ve hard before about 9.4 so it appears it is a name change right now. I’m wondering if there isn’t more out there we don’t know about yet that will make it into the ArcGIS 10 release, but Jack says the name change is the smallest thing about this ArcGIS 10 release. I guess we’ll learn at the FedUC and the Business Partner/DevSummit and it is still scheduled to release before the User Conference.

    ArcGIS 10 in ‘10

  • Thoughts on the GeoDesign Summit

    I’m sure many of you have been following #geodesign on Twitter, but I thought I’d add some of my deeper thoughts. First off, yes everyone in attendance realizes that we’ve all been doing this since the beginning of time. GeoDesign wasn’t invented by anyone in particular, that was clear to everyone.

    So I guess the next question what is GeoDesign and why do we need to even define it, especially if we’ve been doing this for years anyway Since we’ve all be already been doing this for years shouldn’t this be easy to define since we already have an understanding of it A Wikipedia entry has been started and I’d encourage everyone to take a look at it and refine it based upon your experiences.

    I think a couple things helped bring so many people together from so many different disciplines. With Architects, Planners, Engineers, Technologists, Researchers, Professors, Graduate Students and “other”; there was academia, government and private industry. The one person in our industry that has the pull to get this done is of course Jack Dangermond. He was also gracious enough to allow the organizers to use the new ESRI Q Building which was perfectly set up for a conference of this size.

    Adena Schutzberg and Matt Ball both did a great job diving deep into the conference and it would be a good idea to read up on what was discussed and what needs to be done to move forward. What I’m going to talk about is what I think came out of the Summit and what should be the next steps.

    First off, there was a little push-back that was acknowledged at the Summit which seemed to revolve around the fact that some small group of people seemed to think they could take ownership of something everyone has been doing for years, GeoDesign. I was also a little on edge about what might have come out from this Summit, but in the end it was unfounded. The group of folks from Michael Goodchild to Carl Steinitz all where very pragmatic about GeoDesign, how we involve more in the process of design (how crowdsourcing can be involved), to even deeper issues such as how we must fundamentally change how we as humans impact our environment.

    Many showed examples of GeoDesign projects that they are currently work on to ones that were completed decades ago. Also despite the Summit occurring on ESRI’s campus, there were many examples showed that included non-ESRI technology such as GRASS, Google Earth and SketchUp. Jack also stood up on stage and hoped next year the organizers could include other software platforms and technologies that weren’t on stage this year.

    So this brings up what to do next. Where do we go from here. Jack asked everyone in attendance if they thought we should move forward with the GeoDesign concept and everyone agreed we should. The details on how were to do so was what we discussed Friday morning. There will be a GeoDesign Summit next year. Tom Fisher the Dean for the College of Design at University of Minnesota offered to host it there. Given the warm weather though many though Redlands would be a great location to hold it again (Mid 70s in January is hard to beat). Jack said that if the committee wanted to hold it at ESRI again he would offer up the facilities again. Jack also said he wanted to unbrand the summit from ESRI and have it stand alone. To do this the Summit will be moving off of the ESRI servers on to its own and engage other potential stakeholders.

    Since there was so much content created and organized there was a discussion on how to best disseminate the data out to everyone. This was probably the most contensious discussion. On one had you have those who wanted to write books (grey hairs) and on the other there were those who wanted to set up a wiki and get more community involvement. In the end it appears we will have both, a GeoDesign book you can get signed by your favorite GeoDesigner and a wiki the community can showcase their ideas and collaborate.

    One problem is how to get this information out to the community at large. Organizations such as the APA have the tools in place (and not ESRI branded) to facilitate getting the word out to their members. Since there were many researchers present, there was also questions about how we can get funding in place from NSF or possibly even the World Bank since better planning and design is critical to helping reverse the destruction of the planet.

    So bottom line I admit I’m not one with too much patience for “University think” and there was plenty at the first GeoDesign Summit. But at the same time there was so much practicality shown that it isn’t hard to want to get Design and GIS more interconnected. One group that I think was underrepresented at the Summit was Technologists (I can’t say Architects or Designers because in this crowd that means something else). The gap between “GeoDesigners” and the public needs to be bridged with our work and our expertise. Making sure that this is represented in this GeoDesign initiative is important and we are those who need to make sure this is grounded in reality and not locked up in University research.

    So lets see what happens. Will there be continued push back to “GeoDesign” from the geospatial community or will people want to be involved on the ground floor defining and encouraging GeoDesign I think we all realize powerful things happen when there is a marriage of design and GIS.

  • 5 predictions Geo for 2010 and 5 things that won’t happen

    Here are 5 predictions for Twenty Ten.

    1. The shapefile dies: SpatiaLite + ESRI’s File Geodatabase API finally put a dagger in the shapefile.
    2. GIS on iPhone/iSlate (Apple Tablet) and Android/Chrome OS: With Apple and Google owning the mobile space, we’ll see more proprietary and open source projects being ported to these platforms. Microsoft Tablet PCs and Windows Mobile/CE begin to die off.
    3. 64-bit: There will be some holdouts (cough ESRI), but most of us will be running native 64-bit code on our desktops and servers. Now to just get more RAM in this laptop.
    4. Mobile: If you aren’t running on the iPhone/Android/Blackberry you aren’t relevant. Web mapping apps become mobile browser aware. Those that aren’t were probably irrelevant anyway.
    5. Google: Google’s APIs continue to push the envelope and they continue to be the standard for everyone mapping on the interweb. Google is able to throw so much money and manpower at “problems” and their solutions are coming faster than anyone else can match.

    Here are 5 things that won’t happen:

    1. Augmented Reality: Much like the Nintendo Virtual Boy, it sounds great until you try and use it.
    2. OpenStreetMap Dominates: Between Google’s quick improving of their database and continued licensing issues OSM plateaus. Companies will continue to try and figure out how to monetize OSM, but fail.
    3. ESRI + Microsoft: This was on the top 10 lists for many people in 2009, but I don’t think we’ll be seeing deeper integration. ESRI will continue to support multiple platforms (Google, OSM, Microsoft, “other”) and not become a Microsoft shop. As Google continues to erode away at SharePoint and Bing Maps, ESRI will make sure that they don’t get caught in Microsoft’s blind spot.
    4. Geolocation other than Twitter, Apple and Google (TAG): Foursquare, Brightkite, and others will fade as TAG rolls out new APIs and ensure their mobile devices are tagging everything you do.
    5. MySQL falls apart: Despite the dire predictions of Oracle or Monty destroying the project, too many people have too much invested in the project to let it fail. MySQL will be fine and LAMP will continue to power Badgers.

    Hey, don’t worry… It’s gonna be a bright, sun-shiny day!


  • Have a Very Merry Christmas!

    So we are sitting around watching Santa work his way toward Tempe, AZ and it is time to send the boy to bed. I hope everyone who has read my blog this year has a very Merry Christmas.

  • Follow-up to the Tempe GIS Data Request

    You might recall the issue where I wanted some GIS data from the City of Tempe Well they finally told me to make a public information request and they’d evaluate my request. Well I got back a response this week:

    Dear Mr. Fee:

    I have reviewed your public records request for the “complete city of Tempe landbase and utilities in digital DGN format,” and discussed it with our City Attorney, Andrew Ching. He has advised me that, under the state public records law and cases construing the law, cities are permitted to weigh the competing interests of the public’s right to receive records versus the countervailing concerns of privacy, confidentiality, and the best interests of the city. Under federal law, city utilities such as water and sewer lines are considered critical infrastructure, which means that cities may restrict access to such data for homeland security reasons. As such, we generally limit access to utility mapping except for very limited parcels or sections, and not for the entire city. Therefore, your request is denied in part; we will release the complete landbase, but not the utilities.

    As an alternative, we would be willing to discuss with you further your proposed educational use of the information. It is my understanding you intend to use this for a class presentation to school children on the power of GIS. If that is still the case, we would be willing to discuss options for how you can present to the class while at the same time we can ensure that sensitive data is not disseminated. Please let me know if you would like to meet and discuss these options.

    Wendy Springborn, MBA Engineering Services Administrator City of Tempe

    So as you can imagine I took them up on their offer of the Landbase data and I now have the city landbase in Microstation DGN v7. I’d of course love to have unrestricted use of this data, but at this moment I’m in the process of preparing it to be loaded into PostGIS via FME 2010 so that I can start using it. There was no metadata with the CD they gave me, but it was easy enough to figure out the layering system. The quicker I get it unlocked from DGN and into open PostGIS, the easier it will be to work with. Now I just have to make sure I remembered to get my wife a Christmas present.

  • Twitter Acquires GeoAPI — The New GeoLocation Platform of Choice?

    Given what we’ve witnessed since October, 2009 is sure going out with a bang. Google dumps Tele Atlas for their own mapping dataset and then gives away navigation, Microsoft adds street level imagery, Google adds oblique imagery and then gives away a spatial query server and Mapquest adds street level imagery as well. But today Twitter did something that just seems to fit perfectly with just about any mobile application. They went ahead and picked up GeoAPI.

    Twitter clearly sees location as important as anything they do (I guess microblogging is something they do as well). Tagging tweets with location is something fairly new to the Twitter API, but with smartphones probably being the primary method of tweeting, location becomes natural with tweeting. We’ve been speculating that we could analyze tweets during “events” and see locations of tweets with information about what is being observed (flooding/fire/babes). Having a richer geo-api will only facilitate this further and could be the real killer crowdsourcing app.

    The only pushback I’ve seen on twitter is the location API can be very accurate. I’d love to see them enable something like Fire Eagle where you can have it return a city level geocode rather than a hyperaccurate one. I mean I’m glad everyone knows how often I visit the Apple store, but I’d like @pbissett to wonder just a little.

    So I’m sitting here just fantasizing what can be done with the data provided by Twitter and GeoAPI.

  • Enjoy the Holiday Road

    It seems everyone I know is either heading out for the holiday week or getting ready to welcome people into their house. Me? I’ll be here all week blogging, but if you’ll be off the grid I’d like to make sure you have a wonderful holiday and see you in the new year. And those back east I hope shoveling that snow keeps the pounds off. Take it away Lyndsay…
