
I’m available on a limited basis for speaking engagements worldwide, including presenting at conferences and holding workshops.

I’m an experienced public speaker, and my primary topics of focus are Spatial IT, BIM, Digital Twin technology, usability, and open data.

James Fee (RSP Architects) on stage at the 2009 Where 2.0 Conference.

If you’d like me to speak at your event, please contact me via james@fee.fm or you can find my contact details here.

Who is James Fee?

I’m a Digital Twin technologist specializing in 3d worlds, GIS, and analysis. I work at HERE helping customers integrate our technology in to their workflows and I am an invited speaker at industry conferences worldwide.

I’ve written hundreds of articles on development, user experience, interface design, and technology here at spatiallyadjusted.com, and my clients include everyone from independent GIS professionals to Fortune 500 companies.

You can find out more about me below, and on my About page (which also contains my full contact details).


I most enjoy speaking about Spatial IT, Digital Twins, developing applications with Maps and 3D, aspects of digital workflows, including everything from determining needs of the tasks to pragmatic software/hardware choices and even designing and developing custom scripting workflows. I try to pitch my sessions such that they will be enjoyed and understood by technical and non-technical audiences alike. I particularly enjoy delivering opening or closing keynote presentations.

For workshops, I enjoy collaborative sessions talking about difficulties faced by the workshop’s attendees, with implementation details taking second place to best principles.

Past topics covered include Introduction to Digital Twins, Staying Relevant with GIS and Technology, Crowdsourcing and Professional Data, Data Sharing, Mapping in the Cloud, Scripting Analysis, and others. Most of my talks are posted on Speaker Deck.

Speaking at your event

I’d be pleased to speak at your event or your company, anywhere in the world. I can deliver any length of session, and I recommend allowing at least 45 mintues, and ideally an hour. Please contact me as far in advance as possible, because my speaking calendar can fill up quickly!

To attend your event, I have a few standard conditions:

I ask that you pay for travel (including between airport and hotel), accommodations at the event as well as complimentary entry to the event.

My speaking rate is $1,500, to cover the time and effort involved in preparing and rehearsing a presentation, and attending your event. If no speaker is receiving a fee, I’ll usually waive mine too.

I’ll be happy to discuss your specific needs; please do get in touch.


You can videos view past keynotes below. Unfortunately this list changes very often as video hosting for conferences can change at any moment. I try and link to YouTube and Vimeo where possible.


Below is a selection of representative feedback from audience members of my past presentations and attendees of my workshops.

James Fee gave an enthralling keynote targeted at GIS professionals on the topic of how to remain relevant in the age of change (or What GIS Pros Can Do to Keep Their Skills in Demand).Geoff Zeiss

James Fee was very impressive…he is one of the more vendor agnostic speakers I’ve ever seen present – incredible breadth of knowledge on a wide array of spatial technologies.Tom Lewis – Salt River Project

No one gives as a good GIS keynote as James. I’ve seen more than one and each one is better than the last.Danny Smart

James Fee is as good a speaker as he is a blogger!Jason Birch

He gave a great blow by blow review of his FOIL battle with the city of Tempe, AZ. It was a hilarious description of dealing with a local government that apparently just doesn’t get open data — but painful in that this is still all too often the reality at the local level. But he also noted some shining spots in the open data arenaSteven Romalewski