Tag: blog

  • Taking the easy way

    Over the past years I’ve always customized my blog cascading style sheets because I never really liked the look of the default ones. With Movable Type 3.2, the new stylesheets are much better, even to the point I was going to use them to create my own. Along the way I’ve decided that since I fight CSS all day at work (well maybe that is exaggerated just a little), I really don’t want to bother at home. So I’m going to use the default styles that are available with Movable Type. I’m kind of partial with this one…

  • Site Update

    I’ve upgraded to MovableType 3.2 and I want to update the template also. For the time being I’m going to use the default look until I get some of the javascript stuff integrated again. Maybe I’ll move from a static install to a dynamic PHP install of MT.

  • New GIS Programming Blog

    Link – Geo Coding

    In the comments on the ROK Developer Blog, Jason posted a link to a GIS blog I hadn’t seen before. Geo Coding seems focused on using AJAX with ArcIMS and ArcGIS Server. I’ve added it to my blogroll and my RSS aggregator. Cool stuff!

  • Come On ESRI, Blog

    People always compare ESRI to Microsoft and while there are similarities, I’ve always thought of ESRI more like Adobe. Both have professional products that focus on a section of the marketplace and both are very secretive about what goes on inside the company. Well either Hell has frozen over or pigs are flying because Adobe is now blogging. Looking at the comments you can see how happy people are to finally see some news coming out of the product development groups.

    If a company such as Adobe can do it, what is holding ESRI back? Take a chance guys, your customers will love you for it.

  • More GIS Bloggers

    I added a couple new GIS bloggers to my blog roll. I’m quite impressed with how long it is getting.

    Walt’s blog has some really nice posts about GIS including his take on ESRI and Google.

  • Esri In The Blogosphere

    Its been a little over a month since I made my post about ESRI and the blog PR battle and I wanted to take another look to see how far they have progressed since then. The previous blog post looked at how often the keyword “esri” was mentioned in blog posts vs “google earth” so I again visited Blogpulse. The previous graph looking at ESRI and Google Earth is below.

    Esri google blogpulse

    Compare that with the latest graph showing just ESRI and Google Earth:

    Esri google blogpulse1

    You still see that spike that Google Earth had right after its release, but now it has leveled off. ESRI has actually risen since then, still below Google Earth but at a much higher level than before Google Earth was released. If we narrow the time down to the last month, you see a better look without that spike.

    Esri google last blogpulse

    What about ESRI on its own? Well, lets look at the last 6 months:

    Esri blogpulse

    Even if you take out that spike right after the User Conference, you can see that there are many more people talking about ESRI. You can’t really compare ESRI with companies such as Google and Microsoft, but let’s take a quick look at Intergraph and MapInfo.

    Esri intergraph mapinfo blogpulse

    I’ll revisit this again at the end of the year and we’ll see if there has been any more progress. One month isn’t that long to determine trends so we’ll want to check back to get a better read on the ESRI blog state.

    In researching this again, I stumbled across a very interesting blog called Data Mining which is sort of a GIS/Mapping/Statistics/Search/Blog Blog. Very good reading if you ask me. I’ve subscribed and I can’t believe I didn’t know about it sooner because there was some love for my previous post. Just goes to show, you’ll never know where you’ll see GIS these days.

  • ArcIMS Talking Points Really is a Blog

    Link – ArcIMS Talking Points and Blogs

    What is a blog? There are tons of definitions, but I would think every one of them would classify the ArcIMS Talking Points as a blog. The only problem I have with it is there isn’t a RSS feed, that would be great and probably give everyone more value. I’d even take an email alert to remind me to check back for a new talking point.

    Still if you use ArcIMS you really should bookmark the site.

  • You should post more about ArcMap!

    I got an interesting email from a reader who wants me to post more about ArcMap (I assume more about ArcGIS Desktop rather than the server products).

    James, how come you don’t talk more about ArcMap? I’m no programmer so all this mapserver stuff is way over my head. How about posting some ArcMap templates or geoprocessing models that you find? Keep up the excellent work,

    We’ll I’d love to, but there isn’t really that much info out there beyond what is posted on the ESRI Support Forums. I don’t know of any ESRI bloggers who are part of the Desktop team so I can’t really link to any of them either.

    Derek brings up an interesting idea about posting templates and models. The ESRI site doesn’t really have a section for people to upload their templates or share models (beyond the one’s that ESRI posts). I won’t go into my rant about the ArcScripts page, but why not add a section for templates and models? There are a ton of products in the ArcScripts that aren’t really scripts or programming code so you might want to look there for things, but a separate section for templates or models would be interesting. Jack Dangermond was up on the User Conference stage a couple years ago saying how we should share out models with each other, so how about a way to do so?

    I’ll keep my eye out Derek for some more ArcGIS desktop news, but beyond PR emails and RSS feeds there isn’t much out there.

  • RSS Feeds Changed

    I’m not sure what was happening, but my .htaccess file was all screwed up and some feeds were not updating. I’m sorry for the confusion, but it looks like an update I applied to Movable Type was causing the problems. For most people this isn’t an issue as the vast majority have already been using correct feed, but check your RSS URLs anyway.

    For now I’ve removed all of them except for the following which everyone should use from now on.


  • Idle Hands are the Work of the Devil

    Well I had absolutely nothing to do tonight. So what would any respectable blogger do? Watch his horrible San Francisco Giants lose a game? Watch the latest reality show on Fox? Catch up on all those recordings TiVo made while I was at the ESRI UC last week?

    Nope, I had been working on a better template (this one resizes to the width of the browser), but I hadn’t gotten it to look quite right. With all these other blogs changing their look I decided to revisit it and a change from dark blue to white for the background which made all the difference. I’ve tried to make the template more XHTML compliant, but I’ve still got a ton of work to do.

    Now back to that TiVo and all those Family Guy and The Simpson’s recordings to watch.